29) Backwards

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Aris's P.O.V

Teresa and I just sat by that door waiting for the key pad to beep. The sooner we can let them out of that chamber the better. At least in most ways, especially ethically. There was that part that wasn't though. We'd find out how they would react to us explaining why we threatened their lives, maybe gave them a concussion, and threw them into a chamber with an unknown chemical. There's not exactly an easy way to make that seem justifiable.

"Do you think they'll forgive us?"Teresa asked.
"I'm not sure. I hope so,"I shrugged.

I kept staring at that key pad as if that would make it gives us the signal. A signal that would both bring me relief and fill me with dread.

"Why do you think WICKED didn't tell us about this part?"

"Because they're corrupt. They're manipulative. They knew we'd say no if they did so they hid it,"I answered as if it were simple. It was anything but simple though. There were a million other words to say about them, and that wouldn't cover half of what they've done.

There was also far more we were being kept in the dark from. We didn't even have to be near them to know it. There always would be something they were hiding for as long as they live. When they're gone, it'll be an entirely different story. The sooner that happens the sooner I might be able to breathe just a little bit easier.

As we sat there trapped with our thoughts an irritating beep rang though the cave. At this my mind started racing a mile a minute. None of the thoughts were any sort of positive either. In a way that's good because if they were I'd think I've officially gone insane.

Stepping forward I put in the same code. Just as last time it opened on the sixth beep.

We stood there for what seemed like years before they finally opened their eyes. Thomas was the first to sit up as he looked around, still in a haze. Y/N laid there staring at the roof for another minute before doing the same.

Your P.O.V

I was in a long and dreamless sleep for the first time in forever. I don't know why I was so at peace, how I got here, or even where I was, but I didn't care.

Then, it was over. My eyes suddenly couldn't close no matter how bad I wanted them to. There was a muffled noise next to me.

Once I could finally see I found myself staring at what seemed to be a cave roof. That's when everything hit me like a ton of bricks. The kidnapping, the violence, the struggle, the walk, and being thrown into a chamber and put to sleep against my will for who knows how long.

Deciding if I stayed on the ground for a bit longer I could pretend nobody existed but me I didn't bother to even move my head. Then, Thomas sat up next to me, and I knew I had to get up and find out what happened.

"Are you two feeling okay?"I heard Aris ask. I wanted to say something snarky or sarcastic, but I don't have any energy for that.

"What-what'd you do to us?"Thomas asked, sounding ready to run any minute.
"Come on. We'll explain as we walk,"Teresa promised. Honestly, I don't know if I even want to leave this place. It didn't have any cranks, I got a good sleep, and I could pretend none of this ever happened. That last part is the biggest reason.

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