2) Slice and Dice

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Everywhere I turned was pure darkness. I imagine this is what being blind felt like. I tried to reach out and touch something to get a feel for where I was, but all I got was cold, damp, slimy walls. I pulled away like they had burned me.

"One time chance. Go back,"A voice whispered in my ear. I froze in horror. "Sliced and diced,"It continued. There was no way I was in the book, was there? What other explanation is there though?

"Maybe we should turn back,"Someone's voice remarked.

"Hello, is anyone else there?"I shouted through the darkness. There was a groan as the footsteps stopped.

"It's just a trick. Keep going,"Someone near me said.

"No, I swear. I'm lost, I think. Tell me one thing. Just tell me one of your names,"I pleaded. I needed to know for sure.

There were more mumbled voices.

I froze before realizing everyone had to move now.

"Keep going, try to duck, and don't stop. Do you understand?"I instructed.

"How do we know this isn't a trick?"Someone in the front asked.

"I promise I'll explain when we're out. I don't know where we are, but keep moving. You're all in danger down here specif-"
I was cut off by a shriek of agony. The ball had come.

"DUCK AND RUN!"I screamed, holding my hands out against the walls again. They were my best guide right now. I moved as quickly as possible while crouching. It was proving to be harder than it seemed, almost impossible.

My foot connected with something resulting in a stream of curses from my mouth. It was the staircase.

"Almost out,"I yelled trying to reassure them. There was no response until someone slammed into me.

"I just yelled,"I mumbled, before remembering why we here.

"It's not over. Let's go. Be cautious."

I didn't wait for a response as I headed up towards the trap door. I just hope they listened to me. It then occurred to me that everyone was suspicious of strangers and on edge. I need to pretend to not know anything. Especially, with Aris around.

My head knocked into something. I rubbed the spot feeling a bump already forming. Why does everything here want to hurt me? Probably because that's what it was designed to do. Damn you WICKED.

"Ow,"The leader said, colliding with me. That's Minho then.

"Everyone cover your faces. It's about to be bright."

I gave them one second before pulling my shirt over my face. Then, with a grunt I pushed it open.

It was just as awful as it was described with sand blowing in my eyes and sun beating down on me like we were in a boxing match. The light itself seemed to blind me.

I could hardly hear through the wind in my ears, but I figured they were begging me to close it. I slowly dropped part of it until only half was open.

"Listen to me one last time. It's going to feel like hell out there, but we need to make a break for it. The giant thing that threatened to slice you is still here. On the count of three we run. Understood?"I asked.

A course of 'yeahs' went through the crowd. I started my countdown and on three shoved the door up. I didn't look up as I sprinted out the celler. Footsteps followed me up. When they got out they helped me keep it open against the wind.

"Come on!"I shouted. There was more shoving as I grabbed peoples arms to keep them steady. We were so close, and I was sure we would make it. Suddenly, there was a pained yet muffled scream. It had gotten someone, most likely Winston. Even if the order and time was different this was still a story.

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