6) Accidental Leader

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The storm above us was getting darker and darker by the second. The air seemed to grow colder by each passing second. A few people were thankful for the cooler temperatures it brought with it. I was to nervous to enjoy it. How many people would die senseless deaths today for such a ridiculous reason? Even though I hadn't been through the Maze or the false hope I wanted to kill every WICKED worker there was.

"How close do you think we are now?"Frypan asked.

"Not close enough. We only have eleven days left,"Minho reminded us. His words made me cringe. These experiments were so disgusting and heart wrenching. These were kids my age. Most of the were seventeen, sixteen, and even fifteen. The one important thing they had in common was that all of them were too young to go through any of this.

"What's that?"Thomas asked, pointing to a lump under a blanket.

"A person,"I answered simply. That was an obvious thing at least.

"I think they're dead,"Thomas said.

"Aren't you a great big ball of sunshine? Come on. Maybe they know something,"Minho suggested, walking towards them.

I held my breath in anticipation as we watched the figure lie there. You could barely see their chest rise and fall.

Without a word Thomas stepped forward and lifted the sheet. Under it was the man worse than described. His skin was red and patchy with random clots of blood on it. His eyes were almost grey from staring directly at the sun. The smell was even worse. It was like a week old corpse. I tried not to gag.

"Excuse me sir. Do you know where we can find the nearest city?"Thomas asked. There was no response.

"Maybe it's a weird death thing?"Someone suggested.

"The poor bloke is still breathin'. I think he's just been like this for a while,"Newt responded.

Less than a second after he said that the man lifted his arm and clutched into Thomas's. I could sense the terror radiating off him.

"Storm. Run from it. The storm,"He groaned, in clear pain.

"The storm? What about it?"Minho asked.
"Run,"The man groaned again.

"Where? Do you know where civilization is?"Thomas asked.

"Thomas. The man's distraught. He doesn't look like he's stable enough to tell us where the nearest safe place is,"I told him. Thomas opened his mouth to say something when a crack of lightning hit behind us.

"We have to go. Run and don't stop,"I commanded, already on my feet.

"You heard her. Just run!"Minho shouted. That was unexpected to say the least but necessary. I hadn't had much trust here so any kind of leader role was almost unfathomable, but hopefully more people would survive. All there was to cling to was hope.

"What the shuck?!"Somebody yelled as another let out an inhuman scream.

"Keep going, and try to stay with your partner!"I yelled over the roar of the storm.

There was a sound of thunder before another bolt hit the ground right in front of me. I narrowly avoided it but didn't let it throw me off.

A person right beside me was randomly struck and now completely on fire. On instinct I literally beat the fire out of him and dragged him alongside me. He was silently sobbing as I pulled his feet on the ground.

"I've got Jack,"Frankie yelled. As carefully as I could I tossed Jack over to the guy before continuing to sprint for my life.
"Up ahead! We're almost there!"I told them through heavy breaths. Just up ahead was a city full of old buildings. We only had to last a little longer before we were safe.

Another angry boom of thunder sounded from the sky. I found it in me to run faster as if I could outrun the storm. From behind me was another lightning strike and the smell of burning flesh filled the air. Then, another one slammed into the ground less than an inch from me making me slow my pace. Once again I tried not to let it stop me, but the stitch in my side was evident, begging me to pay attention to it. I couldn't quit now. I had to focus on getting to the building.

"There! Move!"I screamed when I was a few meters from the building. I could hear my heart beating in my chest and my feet hitting the ground with a heavy thump.

Rain started falling dripping down my hair and onto my back. It felt like blocks of ice were being shoved onto me all at the same time. I shivered as it soaked my clothes.

"Right here,"I panted, pulling the door open and holding it for the others to follow. When the last person got to the door I let it shut and fell against it. The only thing that could be heard between everyone was the sound of heavy breathing and an occasional whimper Jack and Minho.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out the pocket knife to fiddle with it. It was now all I had of home, and right now I wanted to think of it. I wonder what my family is doing. Are they freaking out or did they assume I spent the night for a while somewhere? Now that I had time to think about everything that truly happened I wanted to cry. Not just for me but for the people I care about back home. For the people here that died. For everything their lives could have been.

The rain grew louder as if it was crying for me. It felt like some kind of sick apology for all it had done.

You okay?

I didn't answer this time wanting to tell him off for such a stupid question. Instead, I put my knees to my chest and tried to get any amount of sleep tonight. Even if it's just for a little bit I want to forget any of this ever happened.

Aris P.O.V

I looked around at everyone slumped on the ground. How did we end up here? I was promised a simple plan to help everyone. This wasn't supposed to be part of it. Did WICKED ever plan to tell us about this? I already hate them for what they did to Rachel. Now they've just killed people, and for what? It doesn't matter that they didn't plant the storm. They sent us here in hopes of seeing who could survive. By the end of this I don't think any of us will have.

I looked over at Y/N huddled over. What did she have to do with this? I knew about the others roles but not hers. Was she sent as some sort of secret leader? On one hand she just lead us here with no hesitation, but on the other she seems genuinely lost.

I looked back at the others. We were missing several people now. Only two that were hit were alive, and that's only because people got the fire out. How much responsibility did I have in this?

The sound of something clicking came from near me. Y/N was focusing on her pocket knife like it held some sort of answer. If only it did. Maybe she would share its secrets.

You okay?

She didn't try to say anything back and buried her face in her knees. Did she blame me for this or was it just the exhaustion? Technically, couldn't some of the blame be on her since she knew everything that would happen? Right now there was no right answer. There wasn't even a right or wrong for any of us right now. A lot of us here were morally grey.

I turned over and pretended everything was as normal as I'd ever known. It was the only way to pretend none of this was real.

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