7) Deathly Ego

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I woke up feeling like absolute death. My entire body was swollen. It also looked like everyone else was still asleep. It was currently the dead of night so it made sense. I envy the ones who seemed to be sleeping just fine, but there were a few clearly trembling and whimpering in their sleep.

By now the rain had stopped leaving nothing but dreary mist in its path. It might be dark out, but the air still felt damp and cold. It's always cold at night, but the fact that I had to go to sleep soaked after something that traumatizing made it worse. How many people had died? I couldn't remember. My mind was to confused right now.

I tried to turn back over to sleep, but it wasn't doing any good. What used to work when I couldn't sleep? Sometimes I would walk around my neighborhood, but I obviously couldn't do that. There was nothing to read here. Music wasn't an option since I didn't get transported to this hellhole with headphones.

Headphones? What if I didn't need those? My mom used to hum me to sleep when I was younger. I could just try that. Going a few feet away couldn't hurt.

I stood by the edge of the door softly humming her luliby. It was a song from a kids show I used to watch. I can't remember which one, but I can always remember what it felt like to hear the intro.

"Hey,"Someone said from behind me.

"Sorry. Did I wake you?"I asked.

"No. I just couldn't sleep. Can I sit?"He asked. I nodded not bothering to see who it was.

"Thank you for saving Jack by the way. I didn't even stop, and he's my partner,"He said quietly.

"So you're Frankie then? It's a bit hard to remember names when so much has happened,"I admitted.

"Yeah. Anyways, I just wanted to thank you again. If you hadn't just risked your neck for him then I wouldn't have my best friend anymore,"He repeated.

"Don't mention it. We're all just trying to get out of here right? I just reacted to something happening. That's all there is to it,"I shrugged.

"Your reactions are still better than a lot of ours. I'm going to go back to my spot. Try to get some sleep Y/N."

"I'll try. Goodnight Frankie."


Wake up! Wake up, and get over here!

My head ached at the sudden yelling. It was a terrible way to wake up, and I was still somewhat disoriented until I saw the rickety building I was in. I was currently in a building full of murderous cranks not knowing if I was immune.

"Her? Is this girl with you?"Jorge asked as I approached my group.

"I am,"I answered.

"Now that I have your entire group I'm going to ask again. Who are you, where'd you come from, and why are you here?"He asked.

"Why should we say anything? You said it yourself. The ones that speak first are at a disadvantage, and you're outnumbered. Maybe you should speak first,"Minho replied, without realizing how bad that was.

It was hard to deciper Jorge's facial expression. I couldn't tell whether it was shock, furry, or part of his act. It didn't matter though. It wouldn't make much difference to Minho.

"You didn't just speak to me like that, did you? You have ten seconds to apologize,"Jorge demanded.

Minho stood there with his arms crossed not taking his threats seriously. I know Minho wouldn't be killed, but I didn't want him to be hurt.

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