5) Plausible Explanations

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I was awoken yet again to someone standing over me. For a moment I forget where I was until I saw Aris looking grim. "Here,"He said, tossing me a granola bar. I thanked him while avoiding eye contact. I've never been good with any kind of emotion so even apologizing was going to be weird. I had to though. He lost his best friend right in front of him. Bringing her up was a jerk move.

"Come on. We're eating as we walk again,"He said, handing me a bag. I prepared for the rough day of the heavy bag but was surprised to find it was the light one again.

"It's a switch off day,"I reminded him.

"I know,"He shrugged. How come he was still being nice? I shoved him against a building, threatened him, and brought up painful memories. Why couldn't he be petty about this? It's so much easier to apologize when people are assholes. It doesn't mean as much. Why is he still being so nice? It makes this whole thing so much worse. Damn it Aris. Why do you have to seem so morally grey?


I didn't think it was possible, but the sun seemed even worse today. To top it off I hadn't had a chance to talk to Aris. Someone was always too close or saying something. I was grateful and annoyed about it at the same time. To make it worse Newt found the strength to make subtle comments. I kept brushing off the red as a sunburn. The truth was it was from embarrassment.

There was more ear piercing screams through the journey. It was giving me a skull splitting headache. Not even my brother screamed this loud. Somehow, I miss it. No matter how hard I tried not to think of home it was proving to be impossible.

"What do you think it is?"Frypan asked.

"A nuisance,"I answered, hating her more and more. Each scream was a distraction from what we needed to focus on. It also made it hard to talk to anyone. Just when you think it's over it begins again but louder.

"Maybe it's a Crank,"Someone suggested. I held back a scoff.

"Hopefully, we don't find out. I've seen enough horrid stuff,"Newt remarked, looking back at us. Those comments were driving me up the wall.

"I'm with you there,"Thomas agreed.

"We're getting closer to the sound. I think it's from that building. Be on high alert,"Minho instructed. I was already on it.

Once we were few feet from the building someone came out. It was a girl with neat brown hair and clean clothes. It's such bullcrap that we're here in disgusting clothes and smelling like my brothers dirty socks while she's all nice and clean.

"I think it's Teresa,"Thomas stated, more to himself than us.

"Why do ya' think that?"Newt asked.

"I don't know. It's just a feeling,"He explained.

"I think Thomas is right. Do we go to her or?"Someone trailed off.

"No. I'll just go,"Thomas answered quickly.

"You're just going to go with no weapons and back up? You sound like a genius Thomas. Nothing could possibly go wrong,"Minho told him sarcastically. I knew Thomas was going to do it anyway.

"If you're really going to go take this,"I said, handing Thomas the pocket knife. I could feel Minho's glare at me. "Only if you're going,"I pretended to clarify. It wasn't needed, but it would make his friends feel a tiny bit better.

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