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Haru skipped along the sidewalk, holding his sisters hand. Today she was taking him to a festival. Chise had been so focused on work for the last few weeks, between working the bar and gathering information, she felt as though she had neglected her brother. But today was a local fall festival, they would spend the day together.

"Zip up your jacket, silly," she chuckled, "the wind is cold."

"I'm not cold," he grinned, "I'm too excited to be cold."

She rolled her eyes and smirked, "You better not get a cold."

They walked through the festival buying various goodies to snack on, watching performances and entertainers, then drinking hot cider when the sun began to get low. They had spent the entire afternoon in the square with the other festival goers. Haru's chilly hand was in Chise's as they made their way to sit for fireworks, "Have you enjoyed today?"

He nestled into her lap and nodded, "Yeah! Can we got to the next one?"

"The next one isn't until around Christmas," she smiled, "But, yes, we can come."

He jumped in her arms when the first firework sounded. Chise wrapped her arms around him for comfort as they watched the show. When she was a child, she never went to festivals. Her father kept her home, where she was useful. Haru had never been to one, so she wanted to give him this experience.

His big eyes watched the bright sparks in the sky. However, a different movement caught his eye, making him squint. A loud sound rang as people began to scatter. Chise gripped her brother and took off, "Hang on to me!"

His hands held onto his sister as tight as he could. She skidded to a stop, breathless as a reptile man sneered at them before moving past. Chise didn't question it as she started moving again.

"I don't think so," came an all too familiar voice.

"Endeavor," she set Haru down.

"I'm going to need you to come with me," His piercing blue eyes glanced at the boy beside her.

"No thank you," she took a step back, "we can manage on our own."

"I insist," he narrowed his eyes at her, sending a hidden message.

"Endeavor I can't-" she chose her words carefully, "like I said we can manage on our own..."

He began to move towards her, "Have it your way..."

Chise's eyes dilated, "Please don't make me do this..."

The Number One hero froze in his tracks, his brows drawn in from confusion, "What the hell is this?"

Haru clung to his sisters leg. Chise held her hand out to keep him in place. His massive form fought to move, she lifted him into the air to keep his struggle to a minimum, "I'm warning you to stop."

The sound of a gun went off, quickly followed by pain in the shoulder of her outstretched arm. Chise gritt her teeth, refusing to falter. Haru began to panic, seeing the blood spill from her black leather jacket. His eyes tried to find where the shot came from. If they shot again, it would be to kill, as his father had taught him before.

The next shot rang, Chise closed her eyes, but it never hit. She heard a soft grunt, making her eyes shoot open. A wave of panic hit her, her heart ready to burst through her chest. She dropped Endeavor and went to her knees.

Haru laid in front of his sister, face down, blood pooling around his small body. "Haru," she panted and rolled him over, frantically checking for a pulse.

Endeavor froze, his own panic hit him. All Might landed beside him and muttered under his breath, "Dammit..."

They made a move towards her, but blue flames drew a daring line. The entire league stood on the roof above Chise, ready to brawl. Dabis dangerous eyes landed on Endeavor before he stepped off of the roof. His reached out to Haru and felt for a nonexistent pulse. He closed his eyes and let out a long breath. Chise sat back against the brick wall, calm, quiet her green eyes never wavering from the heroes in front of her.

Before he could stop her, she stood, "You..." her eyes completely blacked out, an intense pressure felt like sand against their skin, windows in the buildings around them cracked and shattered.

All Might swallowed, "We created a villain today..."

Her hand outstretched and Endeavor was sent flying through several buildings. All Might tried to move, but instead, he was lifted into the air, struggling to breath as what felt like a vice wrapped around his lungs.

A small trail of blood made it's way from her nostril. An arm snaked around her, Dabi's voice sounded in her ear, "Not yet Chise."

A few tears fell, but she remained calm, "Why?"

He pulled her back against him, "Haru...people have seen what's happened today..." his eyes made contact with All Might, "They're doing the work for us at this point. Let's take him out of here. We need to get the bullet out of your shoulder too."

Toga hopped down with a sadness in her usually fiery eyes. Kneeling down, she softly pet Haru's hair, "Twice."

He immediately jumped down and carefully scooped up Haru's limp, small body. Chise released All Might, the pain finally hitting her as she sucked in a breath. The big time hero stood, trying to catch his breath, "Please, we would never..."

"Fuck you," Chise spat, her eyes landed on a returned Endeavor, "You'll get yours."

Dabi's arm tightened around her as a portal opened behind them. His eyes met his fathers once more before they disappeared. All Might angrily sent his fist into a building before walking away. Endeavor stood, replaying the events of tonight. The boy never hesitated, jumping in front of the bullet aimed at her heart. He also paid close attention to Dabi, and how he reacted to the woman in question. They were close...very close. With her, the league would be even harder to defeat. Anger hit him as he turned, walking towards the blue lights that awaited him.

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