The Big Wig

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"He's someone I work with," Dabi looked her over, "he didn't touch you, did he?"

Chise sat the knife down and crossed her arms, "No. Why was he here?"

"I assume that childish idiot trying to move things along."

"You mean they're trying to get me to join your club."

He scoffed with a smirk, "Yeah."

"I don't want them here again," she turned back around and continued her task, "Am I clear?"

"You barking orders now?"

"Yes," she over her shoulder at him, "I'll crush their bones next time it happens...I'm serious."

"I might tell them the front door is open then," he teased. He could tell she was mad, "I didn't tell them where you live."

Chise set down the knife, "If they think they can intimidate me, it'll be their mistake." She turned to face him and leaned against the counter, "I don't like feeling backed into a corner."

Dabi sauntered up to her, "They won't lay a hand on you...or Haru." His eyes met hers, "But I'd like for you to seriously consider joining us."

"What purpose does this serve?" She tilted her head, "I don't know anything, so why would I seriously consider it?"

"We all have different reasons," he paused, "but at the end of it, we want to take down a very corrupt system. You've even said how overrated it is..." he swallowed, "Not everyone should be a hero."

"You're talking about Endeavor," she took a brave step towards him, "What did he do to you?"

"Chise, don't push it."

"You expect me to work with someone who preaches about a cause they can't explain?"

In an instant his face was in hers, his voice low, "I've told you everything I'm going to. Drop it."

"Or what?"

Dabi noticed her pupils dilate slightly. So that's her giveaway, he thought to himself. "Are you gonna use your quirk on me?" He smirked, "That's not fair."

"I haven't decided yet," her voice was quiet.

"I'll make a deal," he kept his intense gaze on her, "come with me tonight. Talk to them. Then you can decide to keep struggling like this, or, join in."

"And if I decide not to join?"

"I'll disappear." He took a step back, "I have work to do. Be down here at midnight."

She watched him go before letting out a small breath, "Ugh, why me?"
Haru was fast asleep as she made her way downstairs. A cool front was making its way through as fall pushed for an appearance. She zipped the black leather jacket and huffed. She wasn't sure why she was even doing this. Sure money was tight, but, was this the proper solution? Her savings was gone paying for Haru and the bar. If he were to get sick or hurt, she would have no money for proper care. That irked her.

She walked down the stairs after making sure the door was locked securely. Dabi put out the cigarette he was holding and pushed off of the bar, "Let's go out the back door. We need to stay out of sight."

Chise nodded and followed him out into the pitch black alley behind the bar. He was quiet the entire way, seeming a little on edge as they kept to the back streets. He pulled out his phone and sent a text, finally turning to her, "Listen," he pulled her close, "stay close to me, stay sharp."

"Okay," Chise looked at him briefly before she saw a portal open.
They walked up to the old warehouse quietly. Chise's ears picked up movement, making her look just in time. A dagger was suspended in the air next to her throat. Dabi sighed and yanked it out of the air, "Stop fucking around Toga."

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