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Two months. He hadn't been able to get away for two months. AFO kept him busy and as far away from Chise as possible. For what purpose he wasn't sure yet. But now that he was released for a bit, he knew the first place he was going.

"They're a little suspicious," Hawks crouched on the roof of a darkened building. "If they find out she's back, they'll jump her."

"That would be dumb on their part," Dabi held the cigarette in his mouth loosely. "She's changed."


He nodded, "You watch someone you'd give the world for die in front of you and tell me you'd be the same."

Hawks was quiet for a moment, "That's fair...Do you think she knows what's going to happen?"

He chuckled, "My guess is she's counting on it."

"It's a heavy civilian area though," he sighed, "I don't think they'd go all in. Just a few key players."

"Like you," brilliant blue eyes locked onto him.

Hawks met his gaze, "More than likely."

"Play it smart, Number Two. I'd hate to get upset with you," he flicked his smoke off of the building. Hawks watched silently as he lept down to the street below, walking into the darkness.
Chise laid back on the couch, staring at the ceiling. She was so...tired. Maybe that's what she was. She couldn't tell anymore.

Movement hit her ears, making her blink and slowly sit up. Her hand slowly reached underneath the pillow on the couch, grabbing a dagger she had hidden. Blue eyes met hers, but not the ones she wanted.

"Chise," Endeavor himself stood in her doorway, dressed in civilian clothing. He slowly held up his hands, "I just want to talk."

Her green eyes scanned around them, "Where are they?"

"Outside. I told them I wanted to come in here alone..."

"Well that's stupid of you." She held the dagger in her hand, her muscles were ready for move.

"Chise please, I really don't want to fight you."

"Then why the fuck are you here?"

"I just...what happened..." he trailed off and leaned against the door.

She swallowed the lump in her throat, "It haunts you too, doesn't it?" He nodded silently. Chise quickly wiped the tear that escaped her, "Endeavor, I know the kind of man you are...what you've done to your family...." She tilted her head, "The fake persona you put surpass All Might...."

He ground his teeth, meeting her gaze, "How do you know this?"

She ignored him, "Sounds pretty....villainous to me."

"You're speaking on things you do not know."

"I know a lot more than you think." She glared, "I also know the last thing my brother saw was you trying to attack us..." her voice rose slightly, "You know he had never been to a festival. His mid terms report was good, so I took him," tears slowly began to fall, "We ate so much food, had warm cider....he wanted to stay for fireworks because he had never seen them in person..."

"Chise please-"

"We weren't a part of whatever that even was..." she cut him off, "I was just trying to get him home in one piece..." she stood, "Heroes are bullshit. You only care about your reality and the world you see."

Endeavor lowered his voice, "Don't do this Chise."

"Or what," she scoffed, "you'll kill me? I wish you would..." she sobbed, "I fucking wish you would."

A sharp pain in her neck made her wince, her hand slowly rose up to feel a dart in her flesh. A panic set in as her body felt heavy. Before she hit the floor, Endeavor reached out, catching her.

"We need to move, now," a voice sounded in the tiny comm in his ear. He spun around and quickly shot down the stairs. She tried to struggle, wanting him to drop her, but soon she fell into darkness.
"I already told you, I don't know anything about this," Hawks golden eyes looked at the small hole in the window, "They acted quicker than I thought they would."

Dabis brilliant eyes scanned around them, "I wanna know where she is, now."

"I'll see what I find out," Hawks walked to the door, "don't do anything rash. This could be a trap."

He watched the winged double agent go before moving to her bedroom. He wasn't sure what he was hoping to find, but it was just as vacant as the rest of the apartment. She replaced almost everything, he eyes landed on the tattered bear on her bed.

"I need to kill something..."
The bed she rested on felt cold and hard underneath her form. When she moved her arms a clinking sound resonated in the room. Slowly, her green eyes opened, panic setting in.

The room she was in, was so white it made her uncomfortable. Everything was scrubbed down with bleach, giving it the chemically smell that overpowers you slightly. A hospital... she slowly sat you, her attention turning to her wrists to see two cuffs, one on each wrist. They looked like something out of a science fiction tale, even sported blinking lights.

"You're awake."

Her eyes snapped to see All Might himself and instantly narrower, "What is this?"

His massive form stood, "They're quirk suppressing. Are you feeling alright?"

"Put yourself in my shoes and ask again?"

"This isn't ideal...nor how we wanted it to go," he walked up to the bed.

"What is the purpose in all of this?" She leaned back, a wave of nausea hit her.

"You're dangerous, but," he watched her for a moment, "Chise I don't think you're a villain."

"You know all about that," her green eyes closed, "So what, you gonna get rid of me?"

"No, we are going to detain you and go through the proper channels on the investigation into your brothers death."

"What is there to investigate," her eyes glared daggers at him, "There is video evidence."

"There is. The hero in question asked to be tried..." he trailed off quietly, "We want to do the right thing."

She scoffed, "I bet you do...anything to cover ass."

The number one hero looked at her for a moment, thinking of his next question, "What is your importance to the league?"

"You expect me to start snitching?"

"No, I don't. You'll have maximum security either way...wouldn't want Dabi coming after you." Before she could comment, he walked to the door, "Using your quirk is no use. There are also guards outside. I suggest you get some rest."

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