Sweet Dreams

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"So what do you want," Chise sighed waking through the cold night air.

"I think it's time you and I had a chat, don't you?"

Her green eyes narrowed at his back, "About?"

"A number of things. For one, I need to you to be of some use."

"Don't you think I've given enough," she snapped, stopping in her tracks, "I gave up my entire life. The life of my little brother....What more could you possibly want?"

AFO stopped and listened to her words, keeping his back to her. He slowly turned, reminding Chise how small she was compared to him, "Chise, do you not want more for yourself than to waste away in that apartment?"

She blinked, thrown off by his calm demeanor, "I...yes. But I don't have to go down whatever path you're trying to put me on to do so...I just want peace." She swallowed and looked away, "Everything else is painful."

He kept his demeanor calm, almost soft. He leaned down to her level, making her take a small step back, "Let me show you how to achieve this, and much more."

"What about..." she trailed off.

"He will be fine, I give you my word," AFO stood upright, "Dabi is very important to our cause, I wouldn't risk him."

She ran a hand through her waves and let out a breath, "T-thank you."

The large man turned, continuing his way, "It's strange, the way you two are..." he chuckled, "I never thought someone like him would be capable. Tell me, what is it you see?"

"Well," she had to choose her words wisely, "I see someone who might do bad things, and hell, might even be a bad person, but, he is a victim of circumstances. I feel that all too well..."

"You're more observant than you give yourself credit for," he praised, "Tell me more about your quirk, Chise. I have a few missions I need someone I can rely on to attend to."
Hawks paced the rooftop nervously. If he had her, there was no telling what would happen, or what he would do. Her quirk could rival them all, and be tough to manage. Especially now that his wings were...clipped.

"Anything," Dabis Smokey voice sounded as he drew near.

"No, not yet," he sighed and shoved his hand in his pockets, "Did you find anything?"

He paused for a moment before nodding, "Yeah, some cryptic bullshit..." he held out the crumpled note.

Hawks golden eyes scanned it slowly a few times, "Look for me in your dreams...I could make a joke here but given the circumstances-"

"Don't start," he huffed, "I'm very much low on tolerance tonight."

Hawks began to pace slowly, "Her quirk...do you think she can remote locate people?"

"You mean like get in their head?"

"Yeah. She clearly has something going on in there," he tapped his temple, "Maybe she means that she can tap in when you're asleep..."

Dabi ground his teeth in thought for a moment, "Perhaps...I guess I'll put it to the test," he strode up to the hero, looking him over carefully, "Remember what I said."

Hawks rolled his eyes, "Yeah, yeah. I got it."

"You look funny without your ridiculous wings." He smirked when Hawks puffed his cheeks, "Be a good bird."

Hawks smirked as the pyro walked back into the darkness. He was such a tease. He looked at the small nubs on his back, "He didn't mean it. Don't listen to him."
Dabi walked into the dark and empty apartment, his mood sour that she wasn't there. He had let her slip away from him, into something more dangerous that heroes could ever be. How could he be so careless? Why did he even care? He knew the answer to that  as he flopped back on the couch with a huff, pushing it to the back of his mind.

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