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"I know you've been through a lot recently," he sat across from her, his form made hers look tiny. "I'm happy to see you're recovering."

"I'm sure you are," her emotionless green eyes stared straight through him, her hands rested casually on her knee. Her wavy hair was pulled back, pieces framing her face.

"Is that so?"

"I'm not an idiot," she smirked briefly, "I don't use my quirk like that for a reason."

AFO was amused, "What reason is that?"

Chise scoffed, "Because people try to control me...make job offers I'm not interested in...put a price on my head."

"So you've been through this before."

"Just once, when I was sixteen."

"Yes," he relaxed back in his chair, "Overhaul told me about your families, the offer of you for a merger."

"I'm sure he told you about my refusal, and ruckus I caused to become an outcast."

" I wouldn't take you for one to just follow orders."

"You sure do like to give them."

She smiled with AFO gave a hearty laugh, "I wanted to see how you planned to proceed."

Chise leaned her elbows on his desk, a dark gleam in her eyes, "I want to make my them they can't keep pulling this shit and think it's going to blow over."

"Do you plan to go home?"

"I've thought about it, it would make me the perfect sitting duck."

"Perfect for them to try to sway you."

"Perfect for them to walk into the fire of hell they've created."

He enjoyed this version of her very much, "What about your other half?"


"He follows you like a pet these days," he sighed, if you could see his face, there would be a smirk on his lips, "You've tamed my devil, Chise."

"No, he's just amusing himself. Surely you're not that blind."

"So, when you return to your bar..."

"Give me a couple of weeks to get things back in order," Chise stood, walking over to the bookshelf, "I need to make sure my head is straight before I make waves..." she smiled and pulled out a book.

"Of course."

"You might want to do a refresher," she laid the book in front of him, her eyes held a warning, "and keep to your own desires."

He was silent when she exited, his eyes landed on the book, making him chuckle, "The Art Of War...Checkmate for today, Chise."
The heels of her boots were the only sound as she walked up to the building she once called home. Her heart was racing as her hand landed on the handle of the back door. She could do this, right? Everyone was out on missions, so she left a shitty note for when they returned. Dabi would probably throw a tantrum, she smirked at the thought.

Walking in, she could smell the dust that had settled. She hadn't been here in over a month. She turned on a few lamps in the bar and ran her hand along the dark wood of the bar top. At one point and time this was her dream, her heart was here. Now it felt...cold and damaged.

Her green eyes settled on the vacant, dark staircase. She almost imagined Haru bounding down them, as he always had, and running to the door for school. Nausea hit her like a train as she scrambled for the trash can.

After emptying the contents of her stomach, she washed her face and set to work. Cleaning the bar back up would be a good way to distract herself...and stay away from upstairs.

"Maybe I should just burn it down and collect the insurance money..." she sighed and opened a beer, taking a long drink. "Haru would be pissed."

She continued until the sun came up, exhaustion hit her as she laid back in a large booth, closing her eyes. The bar was back clean and organized, as it should be.
Dabi burst through the door glaring at his boss, "Where is she?"

AFO calmly laced his fingers in front of him, "Who?"

"Don't fucking play with me..."

He chuckled, "Relax, she's home."


"She wanted to go back. Who was I to stop her?"

"As soon as they figure it out..."

"She knows the risk." He held up the book she had placed in front of him, "In fact, she was counting on it. I trust Chise knows what she is doing." Dabi turned to leave, but AFO cleared his throat, "I have missions for you."

Dabi slowly turned back around. This was a test of some sort. The pyro sighed, "What?"
By now, she had been here a week. She had kept on the down low, only moving under the cover of darkness and disguises. Her green eyes peered at the staircase she had yet to travel up. Tonight would be the night.

Taking a breath of courage, she opened the door, keeping her eyes on the floor. She half expect Haru to run out and scold her for being gone for so long. She wanted him to. Hell, she begged for this all to be a terrible, lucid dream.

She first walked to the thermostat, setting it to a slightly warmer temperature since the cool days and cold nights were here. After that, she moved to the kitchen, her eyes settled on the dishes in the sink. Haru's cereal bowl was still there.

"Haru, I can't do this," tears began to fall, "this is too much." Of course no one replied. She slowly sank to the floor pulling her knees to her chest, sobbing. After a few moments, she gained herself, "You have to. You just have to."

Her plan was simple: throw everything away. All of the food, dishes, anything and everything she could. And that's just what she did, her bed sheets, towels, and other items were tossed into the dumpster behind the bar.

Over the next week, she bought new items to replace what she discarded. Her eyes would sometimes linger to Haru's closed door. She wouldn't dare to touch it. It would destroy her to go inside. It wasn't fair to him to be taken so soon...

The one thing she kept she currently held in her hands. A stuffed bear that Haru had brought with him when he first moved in. It was stained and tattered. But, it smelled like him. Like warm summer days, with a sweet smell of vanilla. It had been on the sofa the day they left. Chise would cherish that tattered thing until the day she died.

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