Chapter Thirteen

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Katniss POV- (September 19th, Peeta's 21st birthday. 6am)

I drag my tired ass out of bed and go down stairs to start this day that I know Peeta in fact, dreads.

I warm up the oven and start making Peeta his birthday cake, trying to perfect it.

I sit at the island and wait for over an hour, falling asleep several times until the oven dings.

I walk over and take it out of the oven and I let it cool off and then frost it the best I can.

It's nowhere near as good as it would've been if Peeta would've done it or his father.

This is the first year I've actually had to make him a cake. I had his brothers or dad do it since we've been together.

He's had four birthdays since junior year and I've had three.

I go into the living room, putting his gifts into bags and prettying them up and I even make him a card.

At around noon, I decide to wake him up, getting tired of waiting for him.

I go up stairs and see him still asleep.

He looks so tired and done with life and it breaks my heart.

Peeta is taking this way harder than I could've ever imagined and I want to tell him to suck it up but I can't.

That would be absolutely cruel and he never told me to suck it up when Prim died, so why should I tell him to suck it up when four of his family members died?

I go over and lay down next to him again, just watching him for a while.

Sadly, in some twisted way, he seems happier when he is asleep.

When did it all change?

When did I stop being Peeta's happiness?

When did I stop being the only thing he needs?

I take a deep breath and lean over, hating to have to wake him from the first peaceful sleep he has had in forever.

"Peeta, the day is half over." I say, putting my hand on his arm softly.

He hesitantly opens his blue eyes, giving me a look.

I can't help but to smile, somewhat madly when I see him awake.

"Happy birthday, Peeta." I say, kind of ridiculously cheerfully.

I just wish he would be happy for today, at least.

"Thanks." He says plainly, expressionless.

I sigh, trying to be patient.

"I made you a cake. Do you want to open your presents?" I ask him, sounding like I'm talking to a five year old kid.

"No, not right now." He says, swallowing hard, his eyes watering.

"Well, what do you want to do?" I ask him softly.

He shrugs his shoulders.

"I didn't plan anything because I wanted you to decide. We can do whatever you want to." I say.

"I need to go somewhere but you can't go." He tells me, sitting up.

I hold back a scoff, "What do you mean?"

"I need to be alone today but you can't come with me." He says, a little rudely.

I sit up too, watching him quickly dress.

"Peeta, I just wanted to spend the day with you." I tell him truthfully, almost in tears.

"You can. Later."

I swallow hard, "I understand if you need to be alone but can you at least tell me where you are going. Just in case?"

"No, Katniss. I'll be fine. I just want to be by myself but I'll come back later and we can have all the cake and presents that you want."

I take a deep breath, "Okay." I say.

He comes over and kisses the top of my head.

"I need to go. I'll be back later." Peeta says plainly.

I sit there, dumbfounded.

Peeta turns around, "Don't worry about me." He says, walking out of our bedroom.

I get up and follow after him, furious.

I understand that he needs to be alone for a little while but he could at least tell me where he is going so that I am not worried sick.

"What the hell, Peeta?" I ask him, feeling tears burn in my eyes.

He doesn't say anything.

He turns around and gives me a frown before he leaves.

Of course, I think the worst.

That he's up and left me.

Before I know it, it's 3pm and I haven't heard a word from him and I'm growing very worried.

He's been gone for three hours now.

I try to call him but he sends me straight to voicemail.

At 3:30, I get another phone call and take another trip to downtown District Twelve.

At 5pm when I arrive home, Peeta is still not back and I still haven't heard a word from him, despite trying to reach him all afternoon.

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