Chapter Forty-One

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Katniss POV- (The next day, about 3pm)

"Kat! You're very pregnant!" Annie squeals as we meet at her front door.

I laugh a little and hug her, my belly kind of getting in the way. I don't care what Peeta said, anyone who knows me could sure tell I was pregnant at four months, but again, I never realized and that was crazy of me.

"Oh, you look so beautiful!" She says, looking me over.

I scoff and shake my head, Peeta comes up behind me and sets his hand on my shoulder.

"She looks good, doesn't she?" He says.

Annie nods her head and drags us inside.

"Oh, I am so excited!" She squeals, pulling me to the couch.

"Where are the boys?" I ask her looking about, not seeing either Finns.

"They are at the store preparing for your visit."

"Okay..." I say awkwardly.

Peeta just smiles a little at me.

"So, Finnick said you wouldn't hun me the name." Annie says.

"Her name is going to be Willow." I say softly, proudly I guess.

"That is such a beautiful name, Kat. I think it is going to fit her nicely." She smiles genuinely.

"Thank you." I say with a smile.

Peeta sits down next to me and takes my hand.

"How is Finn doing?" Peeta asks Annie.

"He's doing really good, he's 5 months old already and I can't believe it."

I frown and give a lip.

"You better enjoy her why she's so little and somewhat quiet. Finn talks so much now."

"Finally found his voice, did he?" Peeta laughs.

Annie laughs, "Oh yes. He loves growling and squealing at me."

I smile happily.

"Yeah, look at these pictures we had taken a few weeks back." Annie says, taking a picture frame from the end table and handing it to me.

"Oh my goodness." I say, admiring their family picture.

"Those are really good, Annie." Peeta says with a smile.

I stare at it.

That's going to be us in a few months.

"Yeah, you both need to take lots of pictures of her while she's little too. Peeta you need to paint her." Annie says.

"I will."

I give her a knowing look and she laughs a little.

"He painted Finn some." I tell her.

"Aw, really? You'll have to show me sometime. I bet they're wonderful!" She cheers.

"They are. He's an amazing artist." I brag and Annie agrees.

"Peetie!" I hear no one other than Finnick Odair squeal as he bursts through the door, sacks of groceries and a baby carrier in hand.

Finnick rushes over, handing Finn to Annie and dropping the groceries onto the floor of their living room with a pang.

I stand up and go straight to Finn and Finnick runs straight into Peeta's arms.

They share their normal weird hug, dramatic greeting session and I immediately take Finn out of his carseat and pick him up.

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