Chapter Forty-Seven

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Katniss POV- (The next morning)

"I was calling going to see if the day before Thanksgiving, if you all would like to come to our house for a meal?" Peeta asks his grandma softly.

He listens a few minutes and sighs.

"Yeah, it's okay, Grandma. Maybe some other time." He says and hangs up.

"They said they were busy but they can another time."

I frown, "Before or after Thanksgiving?"

"I don't know."

"Well, why don't we call back and see if they can do it this weekend?" I suggest, knowing he was looking forward to this.

He looks pretty bummed out by the response.

"I doubt it."

"Just call them back." I say, pushing his phone into his hand again.

He looks at me a second and dials their number back.

"Hey, it's me again. Could you come this weekend?" He asks in hopes.

His eyes light up.

"How about this Saturday at 4?"

"Yes. We will give you directions soon."

"Okay." He says softly.

"We love you too." Peeta says with a soft smile.

And they hang up.

I look up at him, "What'd they say?"

"They will come over Saturday."

I smile, "Good. See, at least it's sooner than later."

He smiles a little sadly, shrugging his shoulders.

"We can have whatever you want to eat that night." Peeta says.

"Since it's getting colder, can we have lamb stew and cheese buns?" I ask him, in hopes for a 'yes.'

"I bet they'd like that." He smiles.

"Good, because Willow would like it."

"And you would like it even more." He teases me.

He scoots closer to me on the couch and leans down to my swollen abdomen.

"Willow..." He says softly, laying his hands on my belly.

She fumbles around.

I chuckle, for as tiny as she is, once she realized how to move, she doesn't hesitate.

"Would you like Mommy and Daddy to make lamb stew and cheese buns on Saturday?" He asks her and she kicks at his hand some.

"I think so." I tell him.

He leans forward and kisses me.

Then kisses my belly, Willow still moving around in there, but you can't really feel it by touching me, you usually can only feel the hard kicks and jabs, but I can feel it all.

"She's getting to where you can see her moving a little bit when she's moving a lot." I tell him.

He smiles and watches my belly moving around as it feels like she does flips inside me.

It's really cool to feel and watch but it's so weird too.

"I may have to buy bigger shirts than what you wear because they are already getting to be a little tight."

"You look fine."

I sigh and shake my head.

"I meant for the future too."

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