Chapter Fourteen

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Katniss POV- (September 20th, 5am)

Things have actually gotten worse since he left and now, I'm convinced that Peeta has left me for good.

That he took off, never to be seen or heard from again.

This is not like him.

I've been crying for hours and Peeta hasn't called me or texted me once and I'm so worried about him.

If he hasn't left me, what if he's killed himself?

That question runs through my mind all night long, while my tiredness can't be overcome because I'm so worried.

I've called everyone in town, seeing if they may have seen him and they all said 'no.'

I'm such an emotional wreck and I can't believe this, any of it.

Everything that happened today, was suppose to happen with Peeta here beside me, not like this.

I don't even know if I want to take him back if he ever shows back up.

I feel so much hatred for him right now.

How could I hate someone so much that I love more than anyone?

That's what I want to know but that's all I can feel.

How could he do this to me?

How could he put me through this much worry?

I've been trying for weeks to make this day at least half way special for him and he leaves me.

I know he would be happy after I told him but he didn't even show up again.

I woke up early yesterday morning to make him a stupid birthday cake that's been sitting on the counter for almost 24 hours and a meal that's been there since 7pm.

All of it is ruined because he decided to leave me and not come back.

How could he just leave after everything that we have been through together?

How could he break his promises to me and Prim?

How could he leave me after vowing to love me forever?

Sure, I haven't been the best wife during this and I wasn't the best girlfriend to him when Prim died but I never did this to him.

I never left him worried sick like this and I never ignored his calls or texts when I did need awhile to myself.

Have I really treated him badly enough that he felt like he had no other choice but to leave?

It's like he doesn't even remotely like me anymore or care about our marriage.

The last few years, he's helped me and lured me into him, all for nothing because in the end, two people are being screwed over, one being so tragically innocent.

I'm knocked from my thoughts when I hear the doorknob jiggle from behind me.

I gasp and stand up as Peeta stumbles through our front door, almost falling flat on his face.

I go with my first instinct, to run into his arms.

"Peeta!" I say, so glad to see him but so unhappy with him at the same time.

I run into his arms but he refuses to hug me back as he nearly knocks us both over.

The smell of alcohol wreaks on his body and breath and it makes me want to puke, it's so fowl.

I immediately back away, knowing if I don't, I would puke right here, all over him and not even begin to feel bad.

"Where the hell where you?" I ask him angrily, more tears stinging in my eyes.

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