Chapter Forty-Three

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Katniss POV- (Later that day, at the beach)

"Hey, Mellarks. Baby Odair." Finnick calls.

I turn around and Finn starts bouncing up and down excitedly at the sight of his parents.

Peeta runs in from the ocean, his blond hair dark from the water and his body dripping.

Despite that it's October, it's still extremely warm here in Four so that's good, I guess.

"Momma missed you." Annie says, taking a ready Finn out of my arms.

Finnick smiles a little at Peeta and I and gives him a knowing look.


"Yeah, Finnick?" I ask.

"I wanted to let you know that Annie and I are moving back to District 12." Finnick says with a smirk.

My heart races.

"You're serious, that is where you went?" I laugh/cry into Finnick's shoulder, hugging him tight.

"Kat, do you really think that I want Finn to grow up without you guys? I want to watch your little girl grow up too." He says, giving me a reassuring squeeze.

"Why couldn't you just tell me?" I ask, pushing him playfully. More importantly, why didn't you guys just go to Twelve and leave Finn with us."

"Because we are stupid and didn't think about it."

Peeta chuckles to himself, "The closer you get to the Capitol..."

"Hush, you knew too but didn't think of it and you live furthest from the Capitol." I push Peeta playfully.

"No, but seriously, I wanted to surprise you." Finnick says.

Annie comes closer to us and hugs me.

"We are all going to be together again." She says.

I laugh a little, "We are." I say.

This is what I've wanted for awhile.

For Finnick and Annie back in Twelve and Bristol and Carter and all my other friends to be here too.

"Just like old times. The group is back but at some of them have lost their virginities." Finnick says, trying to high five Peeta.

I shoot them both a look.

Peeta reaches for the high five, then sees the look on giving and puts his hand down.

"Your little baby bump is so cute, Katniss." Annie says.

I sigh and look down, "I wouldn't say 'little' but thank you." I say awkwardly.

I don't feel 100% comfortable being in a bikini when I'm not pregnant but I really didn't have another choice and I refuse to wear real clothes in the water.

Peeta comes behind me and rests his chin on my shoulder and kisses my cheek, "You excited?" He whispers and I nod my head at him.

"I hope you both had a good time." Annie says smiling admiringly at us.

"We did." I say.

She smiles, "Good. Well, since y'all probably won't leave until tomorrow why don't Finnick and I leave you guys to have some time alone while you still can?"

I look at Peeta and he smiles a little innocently at me. I know he set this all up for me.

"We would love that, Annie. We will be back around 10." He says.

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