Chapter Nintey-Five

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Katniss POV- (Market, February 3rd)

"Peeta, can you slow down a bit?" I ask him, completely out of breath.

He's not going any faster than I can waddle but I'm running out of breath and these contractions take my breath away.

I've been having contractions since I woke up this morning but my water hasn't broken but they're getting more consistent so I am sure he will be asking soon and I haven't said anything.

"What's wrong?" Peeta asks, bending down to my eye level.

I look up just about the time the contraction ends and straighten up a bit.

"Nothing. It's nothing, I'm just really tired today and my back still hurts." I say.

It's not lying but I don't want to really say anything until my water breaks or it becomes unbearable and I know that I'm officially in labor. I don't want to be at that hospital any longer than I have to be and I know if I tell him anything he will take me up there immediately.

He sets his hand on my back and rubs it gently, glancing around at the people who stare.

"Are you in labor?" He whispers in my ear.

I shake my head, "No, I don't think so." I mutter back.

"Well, let's finish this shopping trip and then we will go home." Peeta says and I nod, holding onto his hand again as he walks even slower for my sake.

"Do you want to pick any thing up for Willow or you that we might need the first couple of days or anything that we might not have yet?"

I sigh, "No, I think have have pretty much everything. I guess just maybe some formula in case I decide I don't want to breastfeed." I shrug my shoulders.

It wouldn't surprise me if I just changed my mind or decided I don't like it.

"Okay, that's fine. Let's go down the baby aisle and maybe there's other things we may need." He says.

I know he's just trying to keep my mind off of it all but I think we both know I'm close to being in labor. He knows I'm having contractions, I can just tell he knows it.

Slowly but surely, we make it to the baby aisle.

"Here, I'll pick up some baby soap." Peeta says, bending down and grabbing a big bottle of it, but not before carefully reading the label and smelling it.

He plops it in the basket along with our food and other stuff then we agree on a formula to use just in case.

He picks up a few more piddly things for her that we probably will end up needing, like a nose sucker. It sucks all the boogers out of her nose and helps her breathe, which I like.

"I think we are done. Do you want anything else?" Peeta asks nicely.

I shrug, "No, I'm just really ready to go home." I say.

Contractions keep hitting about every 10 minutes or so and last about 30 seconds but I still try hiding it, even though I know he knows.

We check out and get all the groceries into the car and get in, driving home.

"You think that I don't know that you're having contractions or something but I do." Peeta says knowingly with a smirk in his voice.

I sigh and look over at him, his eyes are completely 100% focused on the road ahead of him.

"They're still far apart and I'm not going into that damn hospital any sooner than I have to, sorry." I say.

He sighs, "Okay, but if they get worse will you at least call Dr. Coles and see what she wants to do?" Peeta asks.

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