Chapter Seventy-Five

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Peeta POV- (A few days later)

"Hello, Peeta." Mrs. Odair says hugging me.

"Hey, come on in." I say.

"Oh, you guys have out done yourselves on this house. It looks so different." She says, glancing around.

I smile, "Thank you." I say.

"Where's Katniss?" She asks.

"Oh, she is upstairs asleep. We can go up there if you want." I say.

She hands me Katniss's last paycheck and I set it on the counter.

"I added a little extra." She says.

"Oh, no you didn't have to."

"No, I insist. Katniss was a really hard worker and I love having her around." Finnick's mom says.

"Well, thank you."

"I also got you guys something and the little baby something for Christmas too. I'll have Finnick bring it over soon when it comes in."

"Oh, you definitely didn't have to do that." I say, feeling bad she's giving us extra money and gifts.

I hate when people do that.

I don't hate it and I appreciate it but I feel bad.

"Nope, I wanted to." She insists.

"Well, our room is up here." I say, walking up the dark staircase and she follows.

I open up our bedroom door and find Katniss still asleep, how I left her hours ago.

"Katniss, wake up. Someone is here to see you." I say, walking over to her bedside.

I place my hand on her arm and rub it softly.

She stirs and opens her gray eyes, "What?"

"Hey, sweetie." Mrs. Odair says from the doorway.

Katniss slowly sits up and her face lightens up a bit, "Hi, sorry." She says.

"No problem. How are you feeling, dear?"

"Better." She says with a yawn.

"Still sleepy? I bet you're glad to have your naps back." Mrs. Odair chuckles.

She smiles and nods, "You can come in more if you want."

She walks over and sits on the edge of the bed looking Katniss over, I stay kneeled down next to the bed.

"You're belly looks bigger since I saw you last week." She teases.

Katniss lets out a little laugh and rubs her belly a tiny bit, "Yeah, she's growing."

"Looks like it." Finnick's mom winks.

She smiles, "I am still really sorry about having to leave so early."

"Don't worry about it." She says, looking down and giving me a wink.

I smile somewhat sadly at her and mouth a 'thank you.'

"Can I see her nursery?" Mrs. Odair asks.

"Yeah, sure. Peeta, can I please show her?" Katniss looks down at me, light in her eyes.

I sigh, "If you go slowly."

She smiles and uncovers herself, carefully getting out of the bed.

"It's right across the hall here. You can go on in." Katniss says, kind of waddling over to the door.

I've noticed it's getting harder for her to walk and stand and that her back hurts her a lot now days.

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