Chapter Eighty-Nine

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Katniss POV-

"Well, I love you both too." Peeta says.

I laugh a little and let out a sigh.

"I kind of just want to get this all over with. I want us to be able to hold her in our arms and look at her all day long."

"Well, we will have plenty of time for that soon." He mumbles to me.

"I know that."

He sighs and rests his cheek against my arm, "I'm just really happy with how everything is going lately. I know that's all we've talked about really but I don't know what else to say."

"I understand. I love how everything is right now too and it's just going to get better, I hope."

"It'll be tough, but I think it'll all work out and most definitely be worth it."

"Her side bed thing came in this morning. We can put it on tomorrow or soon so that we can get use to it."

I nod my head, "I want it on my side of the bed though, so I can feed her without waking you up."

He sighs, "We still need to discuss a few things."

"Like what?"

He takes a deep breath, "Well, you're going to be really stressed out when she comes. I don't want you to feel that way so I want to be the one to wake up with her in the mornings, change her diaper, get her dressed for the day or whatever. I know I won't always be able to feed her in the night by myself because, uh yeah, you know but I just want to try to bond with her and give you time to yourself."

I smile, "Dr. Coles has a lady who is suppose to be calling me soon about the breastfeeding thing so maybe we can find a way for you to help." I shrug.

"I just don't want you to feel weird or be embarrassed if I'm with you when you feed her."

"I won't be. I think it'll be more weird to have someone sucking on my boobs than you being there when it happens." I laugh, shrugging my shoulders.

I still don't know how I feel about breastfeeding either but I know that it's good for both of our healths so why not just do it?

He laughs a little bit, "We still have time if you decide you don't want to do that."

I shake my head, "It's okay." I decide.

"Well, if you decide you don't like it we can always get formula."

"Once she starts cutting teeth, I'm done." I inform him with a laugh and wide eyes.

Peeta laughs, "I don't blame you there."

"It's crazy how she could be coming anytime soon, later or maybe tomorrow or maybe not for another month or not until February."

"I know. Everything is ready for her, I think."

"We need to pack that bag Dr. Coles was telling us about."

"Okay, we can do that later if you want."

I nod my head, "We need to find her a cute little outfit to bring her home in is what Mrs. Odair told me."

"Did Finn or Carter have one?"

"I think Finn did. Carter just had a cute little onesie, remember?"

"Yeah, she was born when it was pretty warm too, just like Finn. I think it'll still be pretty cold when Willow comes."

"Let's pack her some leggings, a long sleeve onesie, a hat and mittens and socks." I say, trying to conjure it up in my head.

"Okay, what do you need for yourself?"

I shrug, "I want some leggings and your t-shirts." I say.

He laughs, "Do you want me to put anything in there like socks or anything."

I shrug, "I'll figure it out later." I tell him, knowing I'll need more than just clothes.

"You need to put the camera too." I remind him.

He smiles, "I can't wait to paint her sweet little face."

I laugh, "I'll have been replaced by all the babies." I chuckle.

"I think you got them beat for awhile, sweetie." Peeta laughs, reminding me of the hundreds of paintings I'm included in.

I can't wait to see his paintings of Willow either, another reason I'm super excited for Peeta to be a dad.

"I think she will be an artist like you are."

"Why do you think that?" Peeta asks, smiling widely.

I shrug, "And I think she will be a little baker too."

He chuckles.

"I don't know why. I just have a feeling she's gonna be a daddy's girl and will wanna be just like you." I tell him truthfully.

I honestly don't know any other way to describe how I think she will act.

"And what if you're wrong?"

"I won't be." I smile.

"Want to make some bets?"

I nod, "Sure. Shoot."

"I am going to bet she will be stubborn, just like you but have some things in common with me but I definitely think stubborn is there." Peeta says.

I laugh, "And what else?"

He sighs, "I think she's going to look just like you, with dark hair and gray eyes."

"There's where you're wrong." I tell him.

I can't help but to imagine her with blond hair and blue eyes like him, I just can't.

"How do you know?"

I shrug, "I just do."

He laughs, "Maybe she's gonna have gray eyes and blonde hair?"

"Or blue eyes and brown hair." I suggest.

Peeta chuckles, "I guess we will soon find out."

"I guess so." I smile.

I love our little conversations like this, silly and short but meaning so much.

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