Chapter Forty-Four

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Katniss POV- (A week later)

"Katniss, come here!" Peeta calls from the other room.

I sigh and get out of bed.

"What?" I ask as I find him in front of the closed door of the nursery.

He smiles, "I want you to close your eyes and take my hands."

I shrug and do as I was told.

"Okay, it's not over the top but I knew you wouldn't want it to be." Peeta starts.

"What is it?"

"Just wait." He says, opening the door and the smell of fresh paint hits me.

I keep my eyes closed as Peeta leads me inside.

"Okay, I really hope you like it." He says.

"Can I open my eyes now?" I ask him.

He chuckles and let's go of my hands, "Yes."

When I open my eyes, I'm shocked to see that Peeta's old studio has been repainted a creamy orange color and her white crib is set up.

He has painted simple, white trees on the walls too. Nearly all of the new furniture has been moved in and is set up beautifully with soft accents and a few paintings he's done.

"Peeta, this is beautiful." I say, at a loss for words.

It's better than I could've imagined it ever being.

"You really like it?" He smiles proudly.

I nod my head and do a slow 360.

"I love how simple it is." I tell him truthfully.

Peeta gives me a proud smile.

He's been working on it over a week and I know he's worked on the simplicity of the design way longer.

I walk over to him and hug him.

"I think it's perfect." I tell him truthfully.

He smiles proudly at me.

"You think she will like it?" He asks.

I nod, "I think she's gonna love it." I tell him truthfully.

He grins widely.

"Now, if you'd let me, I would like to redo our bedroom, the guest bedroom and my studio too. Nothing drastic, just repaint everything."

I nod, thinking that it's a really good idea.

Our house is in amazing condition for it's age but a new coat of paint everywhere wouldn't hurt a bit.

"I like the idea. Do whatever you want." I tell him, not really caring either way.

He smiles, "I'll do that sometime soon."

"Good, I think it'll look great. I still can't believe how amazing you are with a paint brush." I tell him proudly but honestly, I can believe.

He's literally the most amazing artists I've ever seen and maybe I think that because I get to see him do almost everything he makes and it's so fascinating to me.

"Now all that's left is clothes and toys!" Peeta says a little too excitedly.

I roll my eyes but smirk.

"You're more excited about buying her toys than anything, aren't you?"

He laughs a little, "I'm not that excited." He lies.

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