Chapter Seventeen

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Katniss POV- (Six days later, September 26th. 1pm)

(On the phone with the obstetrician office)

"Mrs. Mellark, we scheduled an appointment for you Monday of next week. You'll be five months by then, correct?"

"Yes, I believe so. Do you think we will be able to tell what it is?" I ask, in hopes.

"If the baby is in the right position, absolutely." The receptionist assures me.

My heart races.

"Okay, thank you."

"Dr. Coles wanted me to remind you to continue taking your prenatal vitamin and to stay as hydrated as possible."

I laugh, "I think as much as I've gone to the restroom the last few months, I'm pretty sure that I'm not dehydrated." I joke.

"Yeah, that's very common." The lady says with a laugh.

"I will be there Monday."

"Monday at 10am."

"Thanks." I say and hang up.

Peeta comes in from the living room, "Doctor?" He asks.

I nod, "Yeah." I say.

He smiles genuinely, "What'd they say?"

"I have an appointment for Monday at 10 and they should be able to tell us." I say with a real smile.

He walks over and kisses my forehead.

"I can't wait."

"Me neither." I smile.

He stands there awkwardly for a second before speaking up.

"Katniss, um I know you probably would feel weird but can I touch your belly?" Peeta asks awkwardly.

I scoff, "You put it there, didn't you?"

He nods a little.

"Touch it all you want." I smile, taking his hand and putting in on the little bump that's forming.

I never really noticed a bump but as the days go by, I see it's more and more noticeable and I don't know how I didn't notice it growing out to begin with.

It has always been so flat and I have somewhat of a belly now, how didn't I notice?

How did I not notice any of it?

He smiles widely when I do this.

"I can't believe you're four months pregnant, Katniss. It's like it's too good to be true."

I laugh a little, "I know, it's going to go by fast, I think."

"It has and we didn't even know. How could we not have known?

I shrug, "I think we had our mind on other things."

He sighs, "Yeah, I'm still really sorry about everything."

I nod my head and look down at his hand, "It's fine. I'm just really glad you're back."

He leans forward and kisses me on the lips, his hand still pressed up against my stomach, "Me too."

"It's so weird, almost a week ago, everything was crazy and now it's so good. Now, I'm nearly five months pregnant, just like that." I laugh a little.

It's like I wasn't pregnant one day and the next day, I was and have been for five months, it's all so weird honestly.

"What do you think would've happened if I wasn't pregnant?" I ask him curiously.

He sighs, "Um, I think we'd still be fighting. Maybe you would've even left me for going out drinking?"

I bite my lip, "I don't think I could've left, especially not when you were that bad."

"Was I really that bad?" Peeta asks guiltily.

I nod, "No but you weren't yourself and you really pissed me off when you went and got drunk." I admit.

He frowns, "Thank you for not leaving me."

I smile sadly at him, "Just don't ever do that again. Promise me."

"I won't."

"Look at me." I say sternly.

He looks up at me and I give him a serious look.

"I know things can't change overnight and I know you are still upset about your family and I know you're excited about the baby."

"Katniss, I'm me again. I promise." He assures me but I know better than to believe him.

Grief doesn't just go away like that.

Not after what he went through.

"No matter what happens, you have to be there for this baby. I'm not going to do what my mother did when things get tough and you can't either."

"What if something happens to you?"

"I want you to put on the happiest face you can and be there for them and I'll do the same if it's you." I say truthfully.

He nods his head.

We go into the living room and chat a while about the recent happenings.

"Bristol and Carter will be here in two weeks. I think they are coming on a Wednesday." I tell him excitedly.

I can't wait to tell her and by the time Carter is almost year old, the baby should be here.

I can't believe she's already six months old.

"When are we going to tell everyone?" Peeta asks, "It's not going to be long before we see one of our friends in public and we will probably want to see Bristol the day she comes."

I shrug, "I don't know. We will figure something out."

"Like what?"

"What if we got pictures made like we did for our wedding?"

"Like the picture of the baby or like an announcement."

I sigh, "I guess an announcement like we did for our wedding. Do you wanna put the gender or do you just wanna keep it a secret?"

He shrugs, "I don't care. I guess on Monday afternoon if we find out, then we can go get announcements made."

"Okay, do you want to look online for ideas?" I suggest, knowing we really don't have anything better to do.

"Sure." He smiles and we go into the kitchen where the laptop sits on the table.

I type in pregnancy announcements and billions of things come up and it doesn't take long for Peeta and I to agree on something that is perfect for our baby, I know.

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