Chapter Fifteen

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Katniss POV- (A few hours later, 7am)

When I wake up, I feel nauseous and my head is pounding.

Probably from the worry, lack of sleep and all the crying.

I really never noticed until yesterday when the doctors called me, that anything was different but now that I know, everything that's been happening has been a sign.

I have been exhausted, depressed, sensitive to food/smell. I pee a lot and I'm dizzy sometimes and my breast have been really sore too. My period stopped too, but I figured it was from all the stress of everything happening because it's been known to do that on occasion.

After the tests I took, everything happened so quickly and my mind was preoccupied with Peeta that not having my period after we had sex wasn't weird, especially since the tests were both negative but when I got home last night, I took the last three tests.

All three of them were positive.

Plus, I did gain about ten pounds but I dismissed it as the food I've been eating.

But I haven't been any more emotionally unstable than I was before, so I don't know.

But the one thing that got me was the pregnancy tests I took in the beginning of June, they all said 'negative.'

The doctor said I may have not been really considered pregnant, at that time so the tests didn't pick it up. That I hadn't really conceived at that time, I wasn't ovulating just yet, whatever that means.

I don't know how it all happened but all I know is that I am definitely pregnant now.

I finally have what I want:

Peeta Mellark and his baby.

Peeta has what he thought he wanted but doesn't want now:

Me and a baby.

I hear him puking his guts out in the downstairs bathroom but I don't run to his aid.

Why should I?

I should be the one puking my guts out and he should be helping me.

I think I've only puked a few times since I've been pregnant but once was because that food was really disgusting and the other times were because, gosh, I can't even remember.

It's weird to think that the last few weeks when I've been wanting to get pregnant, I've already been pregnant.

How did I not know?

Am I really that out of touch with my body?

I shake it off because that doesn't matter.

What matters is I keep myself and this baby healthy.

Peeta is on his own now if he wants to be a drunk.

It might be different if we hadn't spent countless days and nights talking about it and swearing never to do it unless it was casual.

What he did was not casual.

Casual is a drink or two, not multiple bottles.

I get up when I hear the puking has stopped but my heart races when he knocks on our bedroom door.

"Katniss, please let me in and I'll leave you alone. I just need a new clothes."

"What? Did you puke all over your other ones?" I ask him, sounding so awful but I still can't believe him.

I guess there's only room for one 'missing piece' in our life and this baby is it.

Maybe my 'missing piece' was never Peeta but simply something he'd eventually give me.

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