Chapter Ninety-Eight

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Katniss POV- (One hour later)

"Pain level 1-10." Dr. Coles asks right after I push for what seems like forever with barely any progress.

"12." I mutter to them, so annoyed.

This pain makes the time I broke my leg, feel like a scratch.

"A few more pushes and her head should be out and Peeta, you can come over if you want when that happens." Dr. Coles tells him.

I rest a few seconds before they make me push again.

Peeta keeps telling me that I'm almost there and that I can squeeze his hand harder, even though it's already evident it's hurt in some way shape or form.

The skin is blueish-purple but he doesn't mention it.

"If you don't shut up, you're really going to have a broken hand." I mutter to him through a stage of pushing.

This hurts like hell.

"Fuck. This hurts so bad!" I scream as they all urge me to keep going.

"Katniss, sweetie, if you don't keep it up it's not going to be good for the baby." Dr. Coles says through her mask.

I roll my eyes, "I'm literally doing everything that I can!" I scream, squeezing Peeta's hand tighter and tighter, he cringes but doesn't say anything.

"Why the hell did you think that this was a good fucking idea, Peeta?" I yell in agonizing pain.

I thought it was a good idea too but that's not the point, I just want a reason to yell at him.

"Fuck!" I scream in pain, my whole body shaking and cold, even though I'm dripping in sweat.

I feel like puking too.

"She's a big baby for you, that's why I wanted this to happen before it made it worse for you." Dr. Coles tells me.

I just wish she would shut the hell up because she's not helping.

"Peeta, I swear this is the only kid you're ever getting." I snarl at him.

"That's okay, it's fine." He says, almost in tears. I'm not sure if it's because of something I said to him, his almost broken hand or because of this moment in general but I cry because of all three.

I let out an antagonizing scream because of the nearly unbearable pain, plus, letting that out made me feel a little better.

"It feels like my body is being broken, Peeta. I want her to come out already." I sob into his arm.

"I know you do. She's coming, just keep going." Peeta says.

I stop, I'm so out of breath and sweaty and achy all over.

I begin sobbing, having a panic attack.

"I can't do this. I can't do this." I cry out, breathing heavily.

Peeta pushes hair out of my eyes, "Katniss, you've been doing this for over three hours now. You can do it a little longer. All you have to do is get her head out." He tells me.

I shake my head, "I can't." I cry.

"Mrs. Mellark, I promise just a few more pushes and she will be out." A nurse butts in.

I shake my head, feeling lightheaded like I do when I'm overly panicked.

"Breathe. Just calm down." Peeta mumbles to me, rubbing my hand with his bruised one.

"I'm trying but this fucking hurts!" I scream at him, obvious outburst.

He doesn't seem phased at all and I guess it's good but I want to hurt his feelings so badly right now, just for satisfaction even though I know I'll regret it later.

"You try pushing a fucking baby out of your vagina, Peeta! It hurts. Do you see what you did to me?" I go on and on griping at him as I push on contractions.

He's literally freaking out right now and has been all night and nearly yells at the nurses when they tell me to calm down. I know it's killing him to see me in such pain.

I take a huge deep breath, "Peeta! Stop your fucking pacing and get your ass over here!" I groan as the doctors tell me I need to calm down. He tells them I need a minute and I'll be fine after but they don't take it.

"Katniss, you need to push or you're going to have to be sedated because if her head isn't out soon she's not going to be in good shape." Dr. Coles tells me.

"Katniss, look at me." Peeta gets down to face level with me.

I could knock him out right here and only feel sorry for doing after this is over, maybe even kick a few nurses in the face.

I turn my head and look at him, "You're doing good. Just a few more and she's going to be your arms." He tells me.

"Her head is nearly out, Katniss. Keep pushing." Dr. Coles calls.

His blue eyes almost pop out of his head, "Do you want me by you when she comes out? I don't have to catch her if you need me." He asks shakily.

"No, I don't." I grumble at him angrily, even though having him right here would help me tremendously, even though I'm pissed off, I don't want him to miss it.

"Katniss, on the next contraction, you push as hard as you can." Dr. Coles says and I count in my head with her.

She counts 10 seconds and I see Peeta in a mess of tears, blinking then away so that he can see, "Her head is out." He says, wiping away tears, his expression makes me cry too, even though I haven't even see her yet.

"Push again the next contraction and we will have her." A nurse says, helping Peeta get situated down below.

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