Chapter Eighty-One

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Katniss POV- (Early Christmas morning)

"Wake up, Sweetheart. It's Christmas!" Peeta cheers happily.

I let out a groan and turn back over onto my left side.

"Come on, we have a big big day!" He shrills in his Effie voice.

I manage a tired smile, "Give me like another hour..." I try.

"Um, no." Peeta laughs.

"Are you just doing this to repay me for when I woke you up last year?"

He chuckles, "I would never do anything of the sort."

"Oh, but you would!" I laugh back, knowing that's exactly what he's doing. He ultimately has the biggest advantage this year.

I'm pregnant and I sleep till at least noon everyday. I was kind of hoping today wouldn't be any different, even though I am super excited for the holiday.

He walks over and leans down, pressing a kiss to my temple.

"I made you breakfast." He mumbles to me, moving some hair away from my face.

I open my heavy eyes and look at his bright blue ones.

"Hi." I smile a little.

He chuckles, "Hey, beautiful."

I feel a blush coming on and he notices.

"You're a blusher!" He teases me, just like he use to years ago.

"No, I'm just really flattered that you think I'm beautiful." I laugh.

He rarely makes me blush anymore but when he does, he makes a big deal.

"Well, you are." He tells me.

I laugh, "Let's go then. I'm hungry and ready to open presents."

He laughs, "Okay."

We head downstairs.

"Food or presents?" He asks.

I laugh, looking at the tree that's filled with presents under the tree and then I smell his cooking.

"Food. Those present will still be there when we get done." I say and he laughs, knowing I would choose that.

"So would the food." He laughs and takes me into the kitchen.

We eat a big breakfast, ultimately filling my stomach for at least a few hours and he carries me into the living room, setting me on the couch, bringing over all of the presents.

"Okay, I want you to go first." Peeta says.

I shake my head, "You first, please?"

"How about stuff for Willow first?" He laughs.

I smile, "Fine. Get everything that is hers and set it on the table." I say.

He nods and starts gathering tons of wrapped boxes and bags and setting them in front of me.

"Gosh, she's not even here and look at everything she's getting." I laugh, knowing it's just bound to get worse from here.

"Here's from Finnick, Annie and Finn." Peeta says, handing me a bag.

I smile and open it up.

I laugh when I see it's a little purple swimsuit and a little sun-hat.

"Aw, that is so cute." I laugh.

Peeta chuckles, "I bet her and Finn are going to be good friends."

"I hope so. I'm hoping she and Carter will be too." I tell him.

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