Chapter Thirty-Four

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Katniss POV- (The next morning)

"Hey." Peeta says as I walk into the kitchen.

I smile sleepily at him.

"Hi." I say, looking in the fridge.

"You feel okay?"

I turn around and face him, "You mean after last night?"

"Yeah or in general." Peeta says.

"I'm fine." I say yawning.

"I was thinking about last night and you don't think it hurt her, do you?"

I shrug, "No, she's been moving all day and night." I say nonchalantly.

He nods as I shut the fridge and walk over to the kitchen table and sit down.

"You know how you fell off the horse a few months ago?"

My heart sinks when I realize where he is going with this.


He takes a deep breath.

"I was just thinking about how scary it was and we didn't even know you were pregnant. We could've lost her." Peeta mumbles to me.

I frown, that fall was bad and honestly, it's a miracle I didn't miscarry her.

It is making me sick just thinking about it.

I stare attentively at him and he stares back.

"Then I sat on you a few times too while we were playing and threw you in the ocean." Peeta says, closing his eyes.

"Peeta, she's perfectly fine." I say, feeling terrible.

"Can you please call the doctors and make sure this is all okay? Having sex and that fall and stuff?" Peeta asks me softly.

"Yeah, if you want me to but I promise you if it hurt her any, any of it, I would know." I tell him but just like he can't, I can't get my mind off the fact that I really could've lost her, several times.

I fell off a horse for goodness sake.

I never bled or felt anything and obviously she is okay or I wouldn't feel her all the time and stuff, the doctor would've seen something somewhere

I get up off the chair and go into the living room and call.

(On the phone with the obstetrician's office)

"This is Katniss Mellark and if you could have Dr. Coles call me as soon as possible." I say to the receptionist.

"Of course. Is everything alright?" She asks worriedly.

I take a deep breath, "Yes, everything is fine. I just need to ask her a few questions."

"I could help you answer a few, I'm sure."

I sigh, "No, I would like to wait until she can speak with me if you don't mind."

"No, you're perfectly fine. Hope everything is going good, Mrs. Mellark."

"Thank you." I say, fake smiling, even though she can't see me.

"I'll have her get back to you soon."

"Okay." I say and hang up.

Peeta is at my side in a matter of seconds.

"Was she there?" He asks.

"She was busy. She is gonna call back." I say.

"Katniss, what if we hurt her by having sex or by falling off of the horse?" Peeta asks worriedly.

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