Chapter Ninety-Six

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Katniss POV-

I close my eyes and Peeta rubs my hand in his.

I feel pretty relaxed until more contractions come along and at about 7:30, I can't stand it anymore, but I already decided to have an all natural birth so it's only going to get worse.

"Peeta?" I call out, he hasn't spoken for a while.

"Hmm?" He brings his head off my arm.

"Will you please call?" I ask him.

"Yeah. Uh, yeah. I will." He says tiredly and stands up, he kisses my forehead and goes into the kitchen to call.

I manage to sit up and waddle into the kitchen, Peeta is pacing back and forth on the phone.

"No, I don't think she's too bad right now. I am not sure." He says.

"I'm fine." I mumble as I try to hoist myself up onto the barstool, Peeta rushes over to help.

I finally manage up and he hands me the phone.

(On the phone with Dr. Coles)

"Katniss, sweetie? Do you believe you're in labor?" Dr. Coles asks calmly.

"I think so. I've been having contractions since I woke up and they keep getting closer together, they're really painful."

"How far apart?"

I sigh, "Like 5 minutes maybe. Last like thirty seconds or so."

"Has your water broken?"

"Not that I know of." I shrug.

"Okay, when it happens it'll either be a lot of water or barely anything but you'll know when it happens."

I sigh, "Okay."

"Just stay calm and if there's a big mess when it happens, take a quick shower if you can so that you don't feel all nasty and head up here. You will still have awhile until you're ready to push so there's no rush to get up here until you start feeling like you need to be." Dr. Coles says.


"Until then, rest."

"I will." I say and hand the phone to Peeta and roll my eyes.

I don't understand why she's so chill about this all, I know damn well when it happens I'm going to be freaking out.

He listens to whatever she's saying, "I will." He says. "I know, okay. I'll make sure. Thank you." And hangs up.

"What?" I ask immediately after he sets his phone down.

He sighs, "We just wait."

"I don't want to wait. I'm already having contractions lets get this over with." I grumble.

"She said we can walk around and if you get a contraction just hang on until it passes but keep walking. When your water breaks, she said there's no rush so you can shower before if you think you can handle it." Peeta says.

"Let's walk." I say, standing up.

I walks over and holds my hands, our fingers intertwined.

I pull him into a hug and kiss his jawbone, he smiles and we start walking around the house together, stopping when I'm doubled over in pain.

"We could try the stairs." I suggest after awhile.

He nods his head and we walk towards them together.

For thirty minutes, we go up and down.

Finally, I decide that's enough.

"Peeta, why is nothing happening?" I whine, leaning my forehead against his chest.

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