Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Peeta POV- (A few days later, 7:30am)

"Katniss, Bristol is bringing Carter in a minute." I say turning to face her sleeping body.

She doesn't budge.

"Katniss..." I say leaning closer to her until I reach her lips and press a kiss to them.

I look down and see her stomach slightly moving around so I decide to have a little fun.

I scoot to the middle of the bed and lift her shirt up, revealing her tiny baby bump.

Her belly is barely noticeable if you didn't know her but honestly, I can tell there's something in there. She's always been so small and now that she's pregnant, her face is more rounded out and she actually has a belly.

I press little kisses on her soft, warm skin and the baby starts jerking about in her tummy, making Katniss quickly jolt awake.

"Damn it, Peeta." She scowls.

I chuckle, "I'm sorry, just wanted to see if my new mechanism worked."

Her scowl drops and a smile forms on her lips.

"Carter will be here at 7:45." I say.

"I'm guessing Bristol is going to work?" Katniss asks.

I nod, "Yup, till 4."

She nods, "That'll be fun."

I smile at her, "Your belly is growing." I say.

She rolls her eyes, "So, what you are really saying is I'm getting fatter." She sighs, sticking her arms up and stretching.

I put my hands on her sides and prod then with my fingers.

"No!" She squeals, throwing her arms to her sides.

I laugh, "Please? I haven't tickled you in forever..." I plead.

"No, last time you did you made me have to pee and this time if you try, I'll really just pee everywhere." Katniss laughs.

"But I love when I get to tickle you because you're so cute."

She scoffs, "Whatever." She says, getting out of bed and heading straight to the bathroom.

I go downstairs, seeing it's almost time for Carter to show up so I start making breakfast while I wait.

"Hey, Kat." I hear Bristol say.

I stop and smile listening to them speak.

"Hey, Bristol. Hello, Carter." Katniss says and I can hear the smile in her voice.

"How is the baby today?" Bristol asks.

I smile when I realize she's talking about our baby.

"She's good. Peeta woke her up so now she's going crazy." Katniss says.

I choke on a laugh.

"I'm so proud of you for doing this for him. He is really happy."

Katniss laughs, "I'm just glad I happened to get pregnant when I did because if not, I don't know when I would've gotten pregnant or if Peeta would've even wanted kids by then."

"I'm sure he would've, it's just hard on him with everything that's happened." Bristol says.

Why didn't I jump on the opportunity to have kids with Katniss when she asked?

Not that trying to get her pregnant would've done any good but I still had that opportunity to have what I've always wanted even though we didn't know and she was going to give me that just so I could be happy again.

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