Season 1 : Episode 7

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Naomi's pov:

"He said it looked like this" Kie spoke, pointing to the map in her hand.

Me, Sarah and Kiara all sat in the Twinkie. I sat beside Sarah, one leg slunk over the other and arms crossed over my chest. My hair fell over my face, making me tuck the two loose strands behind my ears, fanning myself off with a part of the map due to how hot it was inside the van.

"So..." Sarah replied.

"That's 50 feet down, and they're using 100-feet rope. So I guess this little wagon will go... straight to the gold room..." Kiara told us, tracing her finger along the messy drawing whilst me and Sarah let out a laugh.

"Who drew this?" she giggles.

"Definitely JJ" I chuckle with her, covering my mouth with my fist.

"Naomi. This better work." JJ demanded, coming out of know here and slamming the gold down on the Twinkies floor. "We can't pawn this if there's a giant wheat symbol on it" he huffs.

I grab the blow torch looking into his pretty blue eyes. "It's gonna work" I reassure him.

I stand over the source pan, goggles on and my hair tied back. JJ's stood next to me. 'Supervising me' as he likes to call it. Like he can do a better job than I am. I hold the blow torch over the gold, the metal drooping and melting down slowly but surely. 

I look up over at Sarah who grins at me and I send her a grin back. This shit better work.

The Twinkie pulls up outside the pawn shop. The tires screeching to a halt. JJ steps out the Twinkie first, holding out his hand like usual as I take it and he gently pulls me out without looking me in my eyes. Instead he looks at the melted down gold in his hands.

"Hell of a job melting it down, Dr. Frankenstein" he huffs sarcastically.

"Like you could of done better" I snap.

"I could have. I took a welding class" he tells me, now meeting my eyes.

"You- when? Huh when?" I say in his face before my brother interrupts us.

"Whoa, whoa, hey sh!" the brunette says. "Chill out ok?" he tells us, causing me to roll my eyes at him. Always trying to be the good guy.

"Easy for you to say. You're not the one that has to pawn this shit off" JJ scoffs, lifting up the big chunk of gold, sending me a look. "How did I get this job anyway?"

"Cause your the best liar" Pope jokes. I know he's not joking.

We enter the shop, me following behind JJ and wondering round the shop.

"Good afternoon ma'am" he nods.

"Good afternoon" she nods back, giving him a look.

"I see you buy gold" he tuts, stopping at the counter as I wonder round, pretending I'm interested in all this junky ass shit.

"That's what the sign say, don't it?" she replies in a funny tone.

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