Season 3: Episode 3

208 6 15

Naomi's pov:

"So this is what we're doing, huh. We're just sailing out?" JJ complains, pacing around the deck of the boat. I sigh running my hands through my hair, just as stressed just not showing it. "We're just gonna forget about John B huh? We should of never of left him, we're turning right back around"

"No! We're all gonna get caught. What type of plan is that?" Cleo shouts in his face.

"It's a plan to stick together, Cleo!" he shouts back.

"Then we'd be dead together!"

"Cleo's right JJ, we had to leave or we'd be zip-tied in the back of a pickup right now. " I tell the boy, sarah nodding at me and giving me a agreeing smile.

A few minutes go by and I hear the sound of a phone ringing, next to Kiara.

"Who's that?" I ask.

"It's portis" she furrows her brows.

"Portis, thats John B, thats 100% John B, hold on. " JJ tells her, picking up the device and answering the phone. "Yo!Dude! Is this you?"

"Put it on speaker" I tell him.

"Do you need us to turn around?" JJ calls, putting the phone on the speaker now.

"I said don't worry about me, okay? Look it's way to hot here. You gotta get out of here. Got back to OBX."

"We don't not copy. Can you-"

"Let me talk to him" I tell the boy, snatching the phone. "John B?"


"Are you good?"

"Yes, yes, I'm fine eveytthings good listen. "

"He's fine. Thank god. What happened?"

"I- I fo-" he stuttered the phone cutting him off.

"What? What did you say?" I call. "John B?"

"N-naomi" his voice cutting off again.


"Listen, j-jjjust get on to kkkild-are" he says, his voice stuttering due to the bad connection.

"Kildare?" I hear the phone hang up. "John B? No, no, no " I mutter "Fuck it cut off"

"You guys think her found your father?" Cleo asks.

"He's been missing for almost a year." Pope adds.

I sit down feeling dizzy all of a sudden. Could my dad really be alive? I didn't particually know if I wanted him alive. Not after how he had treated me in the past. But a part of me did, a part of me still loved him and missed him. Wanted him back.

I was sat on the top deck of the boat, my hands were on the steering wheel and JJ sat beside me, asking me questions about everything that had gone on whilst I was kidnapped by Singh. The conversation had stopped, and I had one more thing to bring up.



"Can I ask you something without you freaking out?"

"Uh well it depends what it is" he chuckles nervously.

"Just please let me talk and just please listen to me okay?"

"Yeah, yeah okay" he nods uncertain.

"I still don't know what happened on that day"

"What day"

He knew what day. "The day I fainted at the Camerons, the day he kidnapped me and you forgot about me and I still don't know what happened"

"You wanna know what really happened?"

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