1: Hiraeth

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a/n: Seth and Luna are both fifteen here

Luna's perspective

I pull my backpack on my lap and hug it close. "Luna." Charlotte calls out to me. I don't say anything. "Luna, don't be sad." She tries again. "Shit. You look awesome, healthy."

I look down at what I was wearing. A black, vintage tee and a pair of baggy jeans, with my old black converse, I missed my shoes, even if it looks like it's about to fall apart.
I look back at Charlotte, "I'm really gonna miss all of you. Mostly you though, don't tell them."

We don't say anything as we walk down the hallway. We hug eachother tightly and say out final goodbyes before I enter the elevator.
As the elevator descends, I was suddenly afraid, "What if they won't like me?.. They would probably think of me as a freak." My words start slipping away when the doors slide open.
There stood next to the front desk, my new adoptive parents, Carlisle and Esme Cullen. They were old friends of my mother who offered to take me in.
I knew all about the vampire thing and their abilities, ofcourse, but that's not what I'm worried about. Will they accept me as a part of their family?

They both smile at me as I start walking towards them. Carlisle speaks up my "We're very happy to see you again, Luna. I'm sorry about your mother."
"Stella was a wonderful woman." Esme adds.
After they finish talking to my doctor, we start walking to the bay doors of the hospital.
Outside, the sky is a quilt of puffy clouds, It's warm out.

"Your new siblings are so excited to finally see you again, Luna. It's been quite a while since the last time we saw you." Esme says with a sweet smile.
"Yeah, I was twelve." I pause, "Now, I'm fifteen."
"It's gonna be a long drive to Forks. We made sure to get you a blanket and some snacks."
"Thank you."


I look up and observe the house infront of me, Its been years since I've stepped foot in it, probably when I was around seven or eight, when my mom first introduced me to the Cullens.
The house is large and graceful, very modern and open.
"We managed to save some of your stuff from your old room back in Boston, but we decided it was best if you were the one who set-up your room." Esme explains before we start walking up to the front porch, Carlisle following closely behind.

Esme stops in front of the door, she suddenly smiles then turns to me. "We also got you a phone." she says before grabbing something from her back pocket then handing it to me.
It was a blackberry phone.
"Thank you so much, oh my gosh!" I grin widely. It was my first time to get my hands on an actual phone ever since my old one broke just before I tried to attempt.

Before Esme could even place a finger on the door knob, the door suddenly swings open and I feel two cold arms wrap around me, though it had a warm feeling.
It took me a few seconds to even realize it was Alice. "Alice!"
"Luna, I missed you so, so, so much!" She inches back to take a clear look at my face, almost as if she were scanning me, "You're so big!"
"I missed you too, Alice. It's been a while!"

A few seconds after, the rest of the Cullens started popping up behind Alice.
There stood Rosalie, Emmett, Edward, and another unfamiliar guy.
"Helloo, Miss Cullen." Emmett stepped forward to hug me, so tight I could barely breathe anymore. "Emmett, you're crushing her." Edward grinned.
One by one, the rest of the siblings came up to hug and greet me, all with warm and welcoming smiles, except for the last guy.

"Sorry, I know we haven't met before. The name's Jasper." He holds out his hand for me to shake.
"Luna." I smile as I shake his hand.
"Jasper's my mate." Alice stands beside Jasper, "He's also a new addition to the family, our newest vegetarian so it's a little difficult for him to be around humans, but you're going to be all right."
Alice looks up to smile at him. Warm light flickers into their eyes, he smiles too. I want what they have.


This room is bigger than my old one. It has white walls, dark-oak, wooden floor, a big glass window that shows a view of the forest, a white closet that already had clothes hung up, it also had a queen-sized bed with cream-white sheets and a comforter, and another door that leads to my bathroom.

I sit down on my bed and stare out the window. I am alone for the first time in months and months. No Charlotte, no psychiatrist, no staff checking up on me every three hours. I'm finally home.
A small knock at the door snaps me out of my daze, and I rush to open it. It was Rosalie. I always had a closer bond with her than the others.
"Hey, Luna, you doing all right?"
I take a few steps back to let her enter the room. "Yeah, I like my room. I appreciate all that you guys have done for me."
"No problem. It's better if you change into more comfortable and warm clothes, it can be really cold in Forks. Then you can go downstairs to eat dinner afterwards."
"I appreciate it, thanks." I nod before she walks out and shuts the door.


As I walk down the stairs, the smell of roasted chicken makes my mouth water. I enter the room to see Esme, Emmett and Carlisle cooking in the kitchen, Edward prepping the table, and Rosalie, Alice and Jasper sitting in the living room watching tv. Edward turns his head to me and chuckles, "Hope you like it. We made roasted chicken with Apricot and Mint stuffing."
"You've given us an excuse to actually use our kitchen for the first time." Carlisle joins in.
"Thank you. It smells delicious." I walk over to the oval dining table and sit down on the chair and I start eating my meal.

As I settle into my new home, I can't help but feel like I'm in a dream. The Cullens were kind and welcoming, and I felt like I was part of their family. But I couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing, and I can't help but think about my mother. I can't help but yearn for her presence, and my thoughts keep drifting to memories of our past. I remember how she would always make me hot chocolate with marshmallows on cold winter nights and how we would snuggle up under a blanket together. I miss her warmth and her comforting hugs. Despite the love and warmth that the Cullens provided, my heart still aches for my mother's embrace.

I suddenly feel a wave of comfort wash over me. I turn my head to see Edward and Jasper looking at me with pitying expressions. "Thank you," I mutter under my breath before I continue eating the food they made for me.

Luna's character description to help u guys visualize her better
hair: shoulder-length, soft waves, light-brown
eye color: grey
dark-brown, arched eyebrows
soft jawline
slim body figure
warm beige skin tone

Luna's character description to help u guys visualize her betterhair: shoulder-length, soft waves, light-browneye color: greydark-brown, arched eyebrowssoft jawlineslim body figurewarm beige skin tone

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A/N: rewriting some of the parts in this book bcs my grammar was so ass omg


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