2.5: leaving

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Carlisle informed me that I was allowed to stay here in Forks, not really alone but with Seth and Leah ofcourse. I was sad that I wouldn't be able to see them everyday anymore, but they promised to visit every once in a few months.

It was around seven o'clock. As the family prepare to leave, I stand leaning onto the cabinet and watch them as they load their stuff into their separate cars.

Edward suddenly walks over and stands next to me. "Is Bella okay?" I ask, looking at him but he wouldn't look back at me.

"She will be." he whispers.

I feel my heart sort of drop as I realize this is it, they're actually leaving. I take a deep breath, trying to hold back the tears that are threatening to spill. I still feel guilty about the emails Charlotte left me. I didn't really get to sleep properly last night.

"I'm sorry about Char." Edward says and I sigh.
Edward, I don't need you reminding me about her, right now.
I hear him mutter a quiet 'sorry'.

Rosalie shuts her trunk and walks over to us. The three of us stand in silence, not really knowing what to say. The atmosphere is heavy with emotion. I can't believe they would just leave after living here for almost seven years.

Rosalie suddenly speaks up, "Luna, I'm really going to miss you. We all will." she says quietly.

I nod, feeling a lump in my throat. "I'm going to miss you guys too.

Rosalie turns to give me a hug. Wow, this is rare.

“Be strong for me, Luna.”

I feel myself fight back tears as I wrap my arms around her, my head leaning onto her shoulder. We hold onto eachother for a moment, not wanting to let go. Rose pulls away. "I really wish vampires could cry." she laughs, trying to ease the moment, "We'll keep in touch, okay?"

I nod, "Ofcourse. I'll call you."
It pains me to think that I won't be seeing them for another five months or so. I mean, I've been kept in a mental hospital for five months, so I guess it can't be that bad. Plus, I have my friends with me.


As they drive away. I was left standing in the middle of the garage, a few tears streaming down my face. "Luna, don't be dramatic. You'll see them soon." I mutter to myself and sigh.


It was the next day and I called Leah and asked her if we and Seth could hang out later. She said yes and told me that I could even sleep over a few nights, so I agreed. It can be lonely living in a massive house, alone.

"Thanks a lot, Leah. I just needed a place to unwind and forget about everything that's going on right now." I say over the phone.

"No worries." she responds.

I packed my stuff and drove to Leah's house, eager to see her and Seth again after everything that had happened. When I arrived, Leah greeted me with a smile and hugged me warmly. Gosh, I needed that hug.

"It's good to see you again, Luna. How're you holding up?" Leah asks as she welcomed me into the house.

I let out a deep sigh. "It's been a bit tough. But I'm glad I could stay with you guys."

"Ofcourse." she smiles, "I was thinking we and Seth could maybe go to the movies later, or if you want, just stay here."

"Oh, we're definitely going to the movies."

"You can get your things ready in the guest room. Seth's in his room, I'm sure he wouldn't mind seeing you." she teases and I punch her arm jokingly and scoff.


I slip on my leather jacket before walking to open the door. I was suddenly greeted by Seth's face dangerously close to mine, making me step back. "Seth! Sorry, I thought you and Leah were waiting for me downstairs." I say.

"It's fine. S-Sorry, I should've told you I was waiting here." Seth stutters. "I'm sorry about what happened back at Emily's place."

"What about it?"

"It's just that, they probably made you feel unwanted there."

"Seth, it's fine. It's not your fault." I smile and say before he suddenly says the words that I was hoping I wasn't going to hear again.

"I'm sorry about Charlotte."

I don't say anything and just stare at him as I feel my heart sink. The mention of Charlotte was a painful reminder of the loss I had suffered. The pain of her death still stung, and hearing her name brought those feelings rushing back to the surface. I could feel a knot form in the pit of my stomach and tears starts to well up in my eyes. This is like mom's death all over again.

Seth must have sensed my discomfort and started to apologize. "Luna, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-"

"It's all right." I mutter and walk past him, bumping into his shoulder a bit. "Let's go. Leah's waiting for us outside."

We all get in my car and I start the engine and drive off. Despite the sadness I felt, I was grateful for the time spent with Leah and Seth. It was comforting to be around people who cared about me and who respected my feelings. What would I even do without these two by my side?


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