5: James

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The car finally stops. I quickly follow Edward and Bella into the house, Rosalie and Emmett following behind me. We see Laurent and Carlisle walk down the stairs together. Rosalie stands in front of me protectively.

"Wait. He came to warn us about James." Carlisle states before Edward could attack.

"This isn't my fight, and I've grown tired of his games. But he's got unparalleled senses, absolutely lethal. I've never seen anything like this him in my three-hundred years. And the woman, Victoria, don't underestimate her." Laurent takes a quick look at all of us before leaving the house, loudly shutting the door behind him.


"I've had to fight our kind before, they're not easy to kill." Jasper says.

"But not impossible." Emmett adds.

"Can't we just tear them apart and burn the pieces?" I question. I remember Carlisle explaining to me how to properly kill a vampire. I was eleven.

"That's exactly what we're planning to do." Emmett replied.

Alice tosses me my leather jacket, I catch it and slip it on. "Where will we go?" I question, trying to process all that was happening.

"Away from Forks. Then we'll get a ferry to Vancouver." Rosalie replies as she sits on the table.

"I don't relish the thought of killing another creature, even a sadistic one like James." Carlisle says before closing the cabinet and walking to one of the cars.

"What if he kills one of us first?" I ask. I feel my heart pounding in my chest as I watch them prepare to leave. I knew that James was after Bella and I. I feel a sense of terror and panic rising within me, and I know that James is a dangerous and powerful vampire who wouldn't hesitate to harm anyone who got in his way.

"Rosalie and I are gonna run Bella and Luna south." Edward turns to Carlisle before speaking again. "Can you lead the tracker away from here?"

"No, Edward. James knows you and Rosalie would never leave these two. He'll follow you."

"I'll go with Bella and Luna. Jasper and I will drive them south." Alice says, "I'll keep them safe. I swear."

Edward looks unsure. "Can you keep your thoughts to yourself?"

"Yes." Alice mutters before guiding Bella and I inside her car. Then I hear Edward and Rosalie start arguing.

"Rosalie, Esme, could you put these on so the tracker will pick up both their scents?" Edward tosses my sweater and Bella's zip-up jacket to Esme and Rosalie.

Rosalie sighs and pushes the jacket off of her. "Why? What is Bella to me?"

Rosalie and Edward stares at eachother, both visibly stressed and angry. "Rosalie, Bella is with Edward. She's part of this family now," Carlisle says and grabs Bella's jacket to hand it over to her, "and we protect our family."

They all go over to their separate cars; Rosalie and Emmett together, so with Esme and Carlisle, and Jasper and Alice riding with us.
Edward comes over to speak with Bella as I strugged to stay in the moment. James were after us and our lives were in danger. The more I think about it, the less I feel myself. I'm slipping away.
There it is again, what my psychiatrist said is dissociation. My thoughts wandered, and the sounds of my surroundings became dull and muffled. I felt like I was in a dream-like state, with the world around me becoming a blur.

I snap back to reality when I hear Edward call my name. "Luna, It's gonna be all right. I promise."
I don't say anything then look at Jasper once I felt a sense of calm wash over me. "You're safe with us, Luna."

The garage door opens and the engines start, and I realized that we were leaving the house. As we drove away, I let out a deep breath and leaned back in my seat, relieved.
I was safe, or atleast for now.

a/n: Ik this is a short chapter, but i hope u guys still enjoyed


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