2.12: Harry Clearwater

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I was in the middle of organizing my wardrobe when I hear my phone vibrate on my desk. I grab my phone and answer it, holding it up next to my ear. "Hello?"

A voice, trembling with emotion, answered me. "Luna, it's Sue."

"Are you all right? It sounds like you're crying." I ask, worried.

Sue cleared her throat, her voice still choked with tears. "It's Harry... he's dead."


I could hardly believe that Harry was gone. As I sit in the packed funeral home, surrounded by Harry's family and friends, the reality of his passing slowly set in.

As the service began, I felt my heart ache for Sue, who I knew had loved Harry with all her heart. As Sue delivered a heartfelt eulogy, her voice trembled with emotion. I listened to her heartfelt words, and I couldn't help but think of my own experiences with loss. The pain of my mother's absence still loomed large in my mind.

After the funeral service, Sue approached me to thank me for coming. I could see the tears running down her cheeks and felt a pang in my heart. I gave Sue a comforting hug, trying my best to offer some words of support. "Harry was a wonderful man, and I'm so sorry for your loss."

Sue nodded, wiping her eyes with a tissue. "Thank you, Luna," she said, her voice shaking. "He was my everything, and I don't know how I'm going to go on without him."

I held Sue's hand, feeling the weight of her grief. As we conversed, I couldn't help but worry about Seth and Leah, who were nowhere to be found. I wondered if they were doing okay and if they needed some space to process their own grief.

"Have you heard from Seth and Leah at all?" I ask.

Sue sniffles. "They're at home. But Luna, it's best if you could just leave them alone for now." she states and I nod in response.


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