2.4: unreal

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I was dressed in a red top and low rise jeans. After I finish tightening my shoelaces, I was about to open the door until Edward suddenly appears beside me. "Luna, wait."

I look at him and ask, "What is it?"

"We're not going to school today." he informs me.

"What? Why not?"

Edward sighs. "We need to distance ourselves from Bella." he pauses for a few seconds, hestitating, "I'm afraid we're going to have to leave Forks."

My eyes widen. "What are you talking about?" I ask, my voice filled with disbelief.

"We need to protect Bella. I need to protect her. After what happened last night, I'm afraid that I'm going to lose control and hurt her." he explains.

Now, I couldn't shake off the feeling of anger that had crept up on me. I just wanted to fucking to punch him. Edward looks down at the floor before mumbling a small 'sorry.'

"I don't wanna leave Forks! I could atleast stay with Seth and Leah!"

"You can't. It's too risky." he states firmly.

"The fuck do you mean 'too risky' ? Edward, I'm mortal, I'm not a damn vampire who people would hunt down." I say and roll my eyes. "This is so fucked!" I exclaim before storming upstairs.

I stomp into my bedroom and slam the door behind me, anger coursing through my veins. I sit on my bed, still trying to process the situation. I can't help but feel a sense of dread creeping into my heart.

"This is so fucking stupid." I whisper to myself. I could already feel my eyes watering. I wasn't ready to leave Forks, especially my only two friends, Seth and Leah. I was already doing good then now I'm suddenly being told that we were going to leave? It's like I was going through it again. Everything is getting taken away from me again.

Just as my despair seems to overpower me, Carlisle walks into the room, a kind look in his eyes. He sits down next to me. "The others and I have been talking. I know it's a lot to ask, but-"

I speak over him, "Yeah. A lot."

Carlisle sighs before proceeding. "Luna, we want you to come with us."

I feel another wave of anger wash over me. "And if I say no?"

"You have every right to say no." Carlisle says, "But you're a part of the family now. We can't just leave you here all by yourself. The family's moving to Ithaca, New York. Well, except for Edward."

My heart squeezes in my chest. I knew that they were only looking out for Bella, but it felt like betrayal.

"No. I want to stay here. I can stay with my friends! They'd be happy to take me in." I say, my voice rising.

Carlisle looks at the floor. "I'm going to have to discuss with the others about that. I'm sorry, Luna. I know it's not easy for you." he says before getting up and dashing out of the room, closing the door behind him.

I sit there for a moment before deciding to lay down on my bed. My eyes were heavy but my thoughts were too jumbled to allow me to fall asleep. Leaving Forks felt like ripping out a part of myself, and the thought of it hurt in a way I couldn't describe. As I lay there, tears began to stream down my face and pool on my pillow. In the midst of my thoughts, sleep finally took over, and I drifted off into a restless slumber.


It was around eleven at night, and I was typing an email to Charlotte on the family computer.

Hey Char,
I know it's been a few months since I last contacted you, and I'm sorry. Alot has happened. The other day, Seth introduced me to his other friends but they didn't seem to like me, but whatever! idc about them. Then yesterday, Bella was opening a gift for her birthday then she got a paper cut???? Jasper suddenly tried attacking her. Now earlier this morning, Edward told me that we were going to leave Forks to move to New York. I hate it. But how is it there? I can't believe you're still in that hell-hole.

I reread my letter before pressing 'send'. Then I scroll down to see four unread emails from her.

I'm not really feeling well. The doctors said I might be ill, they're still unsure. I hope you reply soon though, I know you've been pretty busy there, but I hope you still have time to contact me.


The other two emails were the same, Charlotte talking about her day and how things were in the hospital. But then I suddenly read the last unread email.

Luna. They said I have terminal brain cancer.

That was sent twelve weeks ago. "What the fuck." my voice was shaky. I sat there, sobbing uncontrollably, my thoughts raced with guilt and regret. I had been so busy with everything else that I didn't have the time to reply to Charlotte's emails. I felt like I had abandoned Charlotte at the very time she needed me most.

In the corner of my eye, I see Alice, Jasper, and Rosalie stand at the doorway. Alice was the first to come up to me, her expression was sympathetic. "Luna?" her voice was soft and soothing. She wraps her cold arms around me and embraces me. "Ch-Charlotte." I hiccuped. My shirt was practically wet by now.

I shut my eyes, trying to stop my crying. Alice must have read the email. "Oh, Luna." she whispers as she tightens her hug, "I'm so sorry."
Alice knew about Charlotte and she knew we were very close.

I start to slowly calm down once I feel a wave of comfort wash over me. Despite Alice's words of comfort and Jasper's mood-control over me, I still couldn't shake off the feeling of guilt. I wished I had taken the time to reply to Charlotte's emails, to let her know that I was still her friend, even from afar. Alice held me close, trying to comfort me, but nothing could wipe away the pain that I felt in that moment.


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