4: baseball

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Luna's perspective

I stare at my reflection as I finish buttoning my jersey. "Since when did vampires play baseball?"
Damn, I look good.

"Well, it's the American pastime, and there's a thunderstorm coming. It's the only time we can play." Alice says while tightening her shoelaces, "You'll see why."


As I step out of the car, I can't help but notice the misty air that hovered around us, giving the field a dream-like quality. The sky was dull-grey, the trees are tall and full, and in the distance, I can see a sprawling meadow that leads down to a lake with a beautiful, tall waterfall. I felt a sense of anticipation rise within me, and I couldn't help but feel a twinge of excitement as I made my way towards the field.

"Glad you both could join us, we need an umpire and a score keeper." Esme smiles sweetly as Bella and I walk apace beside her.

"She thinks we cheat." Emmett says while playing with the ball in his hands.

"I know you cheat."

The three of us finally settle at the side of the field, ready to watch the rest of the Cullens in action. "Alright, you two. Call them as you see them, Bella." Esme says.

The sound of thunder rumbles in the distance. Alice smiles before speaking, "It's time."
I shiver slightly as I look up at the darkening sky, feeling a sense of excitement tingle through my veins. I do love a good thunderstorm, and the thought of being out in the open, in the midst of it all, filled me with a sense of adventure and freedom.

a/n: this scene was a pain to write since i literally don't know anything abt baseball

Alice throws the ball so quickly that I could hardly even see it. Rosalie steps up to the plate. The moment the bat makes contact with the ball, a loud boom sound that sounds like thunder was made.

"So that's why you guys need the thunder." I say with excitement written all across my face. I honestly felt honored to be able to watch them play. 

Edward immediately runs after the ball as it was hit into the forest. He was like a blur on the field, with the speed and agility that made him literally impossible to catch.
"That's gotta be a home run, right?" Bella says.
Esme slightly shakes her head and smiles. "Edward's very fast."

I look to my left to see the ball traveling back in our direction.
"Come home, Rosalie!" Carlisle grins.
Then, Rosalue slides onto the plate just after Esme catches the ball.

"You're out." Bella says. Rosalie looks at Emmett, then back at Bella. "Babe, come on. It's just a game." Emmett says while Rosalie slowly stands up furiously.

"You'll get them back next time." I say while smirking. Rosalie walks past me, her mouth breaking into a slight smile.

We play three more rounds; Carlisle, Jasper and Rosalie taking turns to bat, and Alice being the pitcher. We continue to play for a little while until Alice suddenly yells at us to stop. The others glance at the tree line then wasted no time sprinting to our direction. I didn't understand what was happening until I see three figures approaching the field. Two men and a woman.

"They were leaving, then they heard us." Alice explains.

"Let's go." Edward says, walking away while putting an arm around Bella in a protective manner. But Carlisle quickly stops them from leaving, "It's too late."

Edward stops for a moment then looks at Bella. "Get your hair down.

"Like that'll help. I could smell her from across the field." Rosalie grimaces while eyeing Bella.

Rosalie and Jasper stands beside me protectively, while the others try to surround Bella and I.
Judging from the way they're reacting, these three must be vampires.

Now that they were close enough for me to actually see them; They all had dark-red eyes and were pale-skinned.

One was a man who had blond hair that was tied in a ponytail. I made eye-contact with him, he had a cruel glint in his eyes that sort of made me step back in fear, but I quickly fixed my posture to seem as if I was confident and wasn't scared at all.

The woman had long, curly, ginger hair, her dark-red eyes seem to vibrate with dark intelligence. Now, I must say, she is a beauty.

The last man stood in the middle; he's dark-skinned and wore long dreadlocks that stopped below his shoulders.

The man in the middle holds up a ball in his hand before speaking, "I believe this belongs to you." He throws the ball for Carlisle to catch it swiftly.

"Thank you." Carlisle forces a smile.

"I'm Laurent, and this is Victoria.."
Victoria just smiles and nods,
"And James."
While James tilts his head but keeps his blank, but creepy face.

"I'm Carlisle, and this is my family." Carlisle says while looking at us, making sure we're safe.
"I'm afraid your hunting activities have caused something of a mess for us."

Laurent's facial expression suddenly changes. "Our apologies. We didn't realize the territory had been claimed."

"Yes, well, we maintain a permanent residence near by." Carlisle states.

Laurent chuckles before speaking, "Really?" then he glances at James and Victoria.
"Well, we won't be a problem anymore. We were just passing through."

"The humans were tracking us, but we led them east. You should be safe." Victoria smirks.

"Excellent." Carlisle says. There was a quick pause.

"So," Laurent grins, "could you use three more players?"

Carlisle looks unsure and stays silent.

"Oh, come on. Just one game."

Carlisle sighs before replying, "Sure. Why not? A few of us were leaving. You could take their place. We'll bat first." Carlisle throws the ball and Victoria catches it. "I'm the one with the wicked curveball." she whispers, but loud enough for all of us to hear.

"Well, I think we can handle that." Jasper smirks. Laurent and Victoria laughs. Rosalie protectively puts her arm around me and we start walking away. The slight breeze pushes my hair away from my face. Then we hear James suddenly say something.

"You brought snacks."

I turn around to see James snarling at Edward and Bella. Laurent and Victoria runs to stand beside James, while the rest of us stand in a line in front of them.

a/n: James actually looks so goofy snarling at them in the movie omg

"The girls are with us. I think it's best if you leave." Carlisle says in a defensive tone.

"I can see the game is over. We'll go now." Laurent and Victoria starts taking steps back, although the blond stays in his place and continues to snarl at us. "James." Laurent warns before the guy stands up straight and walks away, taking a quick look back at us.

"Rosalie, Edward, get Luna and Bella out of here. Go." Carlisle orders before the four of us quickly runs to where the cars were parked. Rosalie and I getting in her car while Edward and Bella gets in theirs.

Baseball game with family gone wrong!! No clickbait!! Must watch! 🤯🤯😱😱

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