2.14: it's been getting worse

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trigger warning: mention of SH
continue reading after u see "✅✅✅"

Leah: Luna, please answer my calls

It's been two days since my last
interaction with Seth, and Leah had been calling and texting all day, non-stop, but I haven't heard from Seth ever since.

It's been getting worse, and I can't turn it off this time.

a/n: tpobaw reference

I feel like it was all coming back to me again. The pain of my mom's death, and now Charlotte's death adding more to it, ofcourse, I couldn't forget about my two closest friends —The other being my boyfriend— not wanting to see me.

I didn't understand what I did wrong. I don't think I did anything wrong.

I suddenly get this urge to just cry it all out. But Rosalie told me to be strong, for her. I couldn't cry.
I take a deep breath as my eyes start to water.

I wasn't sure if Seth was going to break up with me, or did he already?
I hope not.
I feel a pang in my chest as the thoughts race through my head.

Don't cry don't cry don't cry

My eyes stung from the tears fighting to be released. Shit. I knew it was going to hurt but I didn't realize it would hurt this much.
And I thought I was already healing. What the hell is this then?

Now, there was one secret I haven't told anyone about. For me, it wasn't really that big of a deal. My scars.
It was easy to hide them, specially since my scars aren't as visible as before.

I look at the mirror, —my eyes were red and watery— then I glance at the pencil-sharpener that was on my desk.

I was thinking of doing it again. But I promised Charlotte I would stop. I couldn't do that her.

Shit, this is hard.


I suddenly feel my phone vibrate in my hand, making me jump a bit. I look down to see him calling, which actually surprised me.

I didn't really feel like forgiving him, atleast not yet. I understand that he needed time to grief but he couldn't just push me away like that.
Well, I chose to answer the phone, anyway.

"What do you want?" I say, my tone was low and full of anger.

"Luna, I'm sorry, I really am. Can I come over?"

"No. I'm pretty sure you're gonna need a lot more than just fucking 'sorry', Seth." I say, my voice stern.

I hear him sigh through the phone.
"I'm on my way to your house."

Before I could even respond, he suddenly ended the call.
Is this boy joking, right now?


I hear the doorbell ring through the house, making me rush to the door. I stop in front of it and think. Maybe, I shouldn't open it.

"Luna, please open the door." I hear Seth's voice say.

"Seth, I think it's best if you just leave."

It takes a moment for him to respond again. "I just want to talk. There's something I have to tell you, Luna."

"What? That you're going to break up with me? You don't have to worry about it, I thought you might say that." It pained me to say those words, and I knew it may had affected Seth in some way.

"Please, just let me in." Seth pleaded. I sighed and reached for the door knob. The door slowly opened to see a crying Seth.

"Are you seriously the one crying, right now?" I say, narrowing my eyes at him

a/n: it's 2am and the moon looks gorgeous rn

"Just let me explain everything." He said, sniffling.

I take a deep breath and nod. "Go on then."

"I love you, Luna. And I'm so sorry for ignoring you." he looked at me with pleading eyes. "Leah and I." he added.

"I'm sorry Seth but it's gonna take me a while to actually forgive you." I say, crossing my arms and shaking my head.

"I understand that." he nods. "Take your time, Luna. All I want is for you to forgive me and let me make up for everything that I did."


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