2: New friends

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This is a special chapter bcs Luna's gonna make a new friendd😝 other than Bella ofc

Luna's perspective

It's 11 a.m. and I'm currently unpacking my stuff with the help of Alice and Rosalie. It's my second day in the house and we're supposed to meet Edward's girlfriend today. Let's just hope she's nice.

"What was her name again?" I ask as I stick the last poster on my wall.

"Elle... Ella, Ava?" Rosalie replies.

"It's Bella," Alice rolls her eyes, "and don't worry, she's nice!-"

Rosalie cuts her off, "And human."

"Hey, I'm human!" I say while picking up the last box and putting it over where all the other empty boxes were.

"Well, atleast you're safe. Bella's probably just gonna be a danger to our family."

"Rose, be nice." Alice scoffs before speeding out of the room, irritated.


a/n: Guys you can skip the Bella part, the dialogue's kinda ass, I've never been rlly good with writing dialogues😭

"Is she even Italian?" Rosalie asks, annoyed.

"Her name is Bella." I reply while  carefully cutting the lettuce and dumping it into the glass bowl she was holding.

Esme, Carlisle, Emmett, Rosalie and I were in the kitchen preparing L'insalata Ricca for Bella.
Esme glances at the door and grins, "here comes the human." she sings.

Oh to have enhanced hearing.

Soon after, Edward and a girl enters the kitchen, I'm guessing that's Bella. She has long wavy hair, deep brown eyes, and pale skin. Just how Edward described.

Esme walks towards the pair, "Bella! We're making Italiano for you."

"Bella this is Esme, my mother for all intents and purposes." Edward gestures to the woman in front of them, while Bella stands awkwardly beside him.

"Bon giorno?"

"Molto bene!" Esme grins.

"Welcome, Bella." Carlisle turns around to face the three. The girl nods in response.

I place the kitchen knife down and walk up the steps to stand before the girl. Bella was only a few inches taller, maybe about one or two. "My name's Luna. It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Bella."

Bella blushes. "Hi. You're really pretty."
I mutter a thank you and let out a shy laugh.

"I hope your hungry." Esme starts but Edward cuts her off, "She already ate."

The sound of glass shattering causes me to turn around. Rosalie had broken a glass bowl and, man, she looks pissed. "Perfect."

"Sorry. I-It's just that I-I know you guys don't eat, so.." Bella stutters nervously, trying to explain.

"Of course. That was very considerate of you." I assure, trying my best to ease the girl's nerves.

"Just ignore Rosalie, like I do." Edward looks down at the girl, embarrassed.

"Yeah. Let's keep pretending like this isn't dangerous for all of us!" Rosalie exclaims.

"I would never, ever tell anyone." Bella states. Her eyes nervously shifting from Edward to Rosalie.

"She knows that." Carlisle assures

"The problem is, you two have gone public now, so..." Emmett blurts out, causing Esme to hiss his name. “Emmett.” she warns.

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