2.1: Forks high

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Luna's perspective

It has been a whole year since I've moved to Forks. I'm sixteen now, and i've grown closer to my family, so with Seth and Leah, and ofcourse, my crush on Seth has also grown stronger.

I step into the garage to find a new car. It's a 2002 Nissan Fairlady Z in black. Suddenly, Carlisle and Esme appear beside me. "Who's car is this? It's sick!" I ask.

"Yours." Esme grins. I turn to face the. "What?"

"You've been watching alot of car movies lately and we figured you wanted a car of your own." Carlisle says.

It was true. I've always dreamed of having my own car. My mom was supposed to give me her old Ford mustang fastback, not until she accidentally crashed it into a ditch while driving home from a party.

"Really? Thank you so much!" I smile widely as I embrace them.

"Here are the keys," Carlisle places the keys in my hand, "Don't crash her."


I drive into the school's parking lot and park my car beside Edward's, where he and Bella, Rosalie, Emmett, Alice and Jasper were standing and talking. I shut off the engine and roll down my window. Emmett grins at me. "Hey, looks like Luna found her gift!"

"Do you like it? Jasper and I picked it out for you." Alice smiles.

"I literally love it!" I say.

"Don't be nervous. Come out of your car." Rosalie joins in.

"I'm not." I say. I open the door and step out. "I'm gonna make Forks high my bitch." Emmett laughs and everyone goes back to talking with eachother.

I hear Edward say to Bella, "Someone wants you." Bella turns around and smiles at a guy I've never seen before, he had a muscular build and had long black hair that was put in a half-ponytail. "Bella!" the guy grins.

"I'll leave you two to talk." Edward mumbles. Bella nods before walking away.

"You know, eavesdropping's bad." Edward chuckles as he turns to me, but then his smile slowly dissapears. I know he had heard something in Bella's conversation with the guy. I turn my head to look at the pair, he was hugging Bella while staring intensely at Edward. I decided not to interfere with them anymore and just join Alice and Jasper's conversation.


I walk into the hall with Bella and Edward since we share the same classes for the first two periods. Alot of people were staring. Some girls were eyeing me, and some guys were staring.

"Oh, by the way, Happy birthday Bella!" I greet.

She smiles and mumbles a small thanks. "Don't remind me."

"Your birthday's definitely something we should celebrate."

"Yeah, but my aging's not." Bella says while glancing at Edward.

Everyone in the family knew that Bella desperately wanted to be a vampire. I mean, I want to be one too, but first, I wanted to enjoy my life as a human.

Edward glances at me before looking back at Bella. "Your aging?" he laughs, "I think eighteen is a little too young to start worrying about that."

"It's one year older than you." she replies.

"No, it isn't. Edward's a hundred-and-nine." I state.

Bella looks at me and chuckles. "Maybe I shouldn't be dating such an old man then. It's gross." she jokes.

Suddenly, we hear Alice call Bella's name. Alice hops over the staircase railing and goes up to hug her, greeting her happy birthday, Bella smiles but quickly shushes Alice. She backs up then holds up a black box tied in a ribbon.
"I thought I said no presents?" Bella reminds.

"I've already seen you open it and guess what? You love it!" Alice grins, "You're gonna wear it tonight. Our place."

Bella looks unsure. "Come on, please? It'll be fun!" Alice pleads. Just then, I notice Jasper standing next to stairs, smirking. I stiffle a laugh as I realize he was using his powers on Bella.

Bella nods and slightly smiles before speaking, "Okay. All right."

Alice grins widely. "Okay! I'll see you at seven!" she says before walking off to Jasper.

Bella then finally realizes. "Jasper, no fair with the mood control thing!"

"Sorry, Bella. Happy–" Jasper was about to greet her until he sees her annoyed expression. "Nevermind." he smirks then the pair walks off.

"You can't trust vampires." I say as we start walking.

"Trust me." Edward replies.


We finally come to a stop in front of a door. I look up to see 'Math' written on a sign. "You're kidding me. It's fuckin' eight in the morning." I complai

I'm not saying I'm bad at math, actually, I'm pretty good at it. It's just exhausting having it as your first period. I mean, I literally just got to school!

Edward laughs before turning the door knob and we walk in. "Well, we don't really have a choice."

My second period was Physics, then Arts, then History, and then finally, lunch.
I walk towards the table where my siblings were. There were still people looking at me as I sit down the chair beside Rosalie and Edward.

"People just love to stare, huh?" I roll my eyes.

I look down at my lunch-tray; A slice of pizza, cold pasta, a small portion of salad, and a carton of strawberry milk. The food here is kinda ass, but I'm gonna have to get used to it.

"I'm gonna go to Leah's place later. Is that all right?" I ask, taking a bite of the pizza.

"Just be home by seven, we're throwing a little party for Bella's birthday later." Rosalie says and I nod in response. Her, Emmett, Jasper and Alice were having a conversation, while I notice Edward staring at Bella who's across the room at a table with her friends.


"Hey Seth, where's Leah?" I ask as I walk into the living room. I let myself in the house, since I literally come here like every other day so I'm kind of a part of the family now.

Seth flinches when he heard my voice, making me stiffle a laugh. "Luna, you scared me." he slouches in his seat on the couch. "Mom and dad wouldn't let Leah go out until she finishes all her school requirements, so I guess it's just gonna be us two."

I was a bit upset that Leah couldn't come join us, but also excited that I get to spend time with Seth alone. "Is she upstairs?"


"Be right back!" I say before rushing to go Leah's bedroom.

I open the door to see her sitting at her desk reading a textbook. She looks up at me in surprise. "Luna, I swear you gotta stop scaring me like that!"

I mutter a small sorry before walking in and slowly shutting the door behind me. "I'm going out with Seth! alone!" I whisper to her excitedly.

Leah chuckles and shakes her head. She always knew I had a crush on her brother, even before I even told her. She said it was sort of obvious, and which I hope she was joking about that part.

"Yeah, okay. Atleast you two get to go out. While I'm stuck here doing this stupid journal article for my Science research." she grunted and slams her textbook shut.

"It's okay, Leah. We can go out some other time!" I encourage and I glance at the small clock on her desk.


I really wanted to spend as much time with Seth, and I couldn't forget that I have to be home by seven for Bella's birthday celebration.
"I gotta go now. Have fun with that!" I laugh as I open the door and skip out of her room.

a/n: The following chapter will be about Seth and Luna hanging out, and Bella's birthday!


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