2.9: redamancy

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no one's perspective

Seth nervously sat in his house on the day of the date, wondering if everything had been planned effectively. As the sun started to set, he gathered his things and headed to the Cullen's house.

Seth chose to wear a casual yet nice outfit for their date. He put on a button-down shirt that was open at the collar, paired with a pair of jeans. He rang the doorbell and waited anxiously for Luna to answer. Soon after, the door opened to reveal a surprised Luna.

"Seth, what're you doing here? Did something happen?" She asks, worried.

"Sorry for the rush, Luna." Seth replied. "I should've asked you sooner." he muttered.


"Can you go get ready? I need to show you something, and dress nice." He said quickly. Luna was confused, but she nodded her head and told Seth to wait in the living-room before she went upstairs to get dressed.

Luna decided to wear her favorite dress that Alice gave her on her sixteenth-birthday; a flowy, black dress that ended just above her ankles. It accentuated her figure perfectly and made her feel both elegant and stylish. She accessorized the look with black flats which matched the dress perfectly. Her makeup was minimal, allowing her natural beauty to shine through, and her hair was styled in soft waves.

As she finished getting dressed, she realized she took a bit too long to get ready. Quickly, she picked up her car-keys, then made her way downstairs to meet Seth. When she saw Seth waiting for her in the living room, she felt a surge of excitement to see where he was taking her. "Seth," she said, smiling widely, "you look neat... handsome."

Seth smiled back at her and got up from the couch. "Thanks, Luna. You look beautiful,"

Together, they made their way to Luna's car. "I'll be driving this time." Seth said and took the keys from Luna's hand. Luna nodded, and Seth got behind the wheel while she got in the passenger seat.


"You told me to dress up nice just to go to Emily's place?" Luna said.

"We're not going in there." Seth chuckled before he gently took her hand and led her down the trail behind the house.

As they approach the meadow, the sun was about to set and the sky was a beautiful shade of peach, orange, and pink. The sight of the sunset was breathtaking, and Luna couldn't help but stare in amazement.

Her face immediately lit up as she saw the picnic-blanket, the bouquet of white-tulips, and the food-basket that Seth had set up for them. "Seth, this is amazing," she said, her voice full of excitement and happiness.

Seth smiled, feeling a sense of relief wash over him. He had been worried about how Luna would react to all his planning, but it seemed that it had all been worth it.

As they settled down on the blanket, Seth opened the food-basket to reveal Luna's favorite snacks; a bowl of blackberries and chocolate-chip cookies that Emily had baked for them. "All this for me?" Luna couldn't help but grin sweetly at Seth's efforts. "You deserve it, anyways." Seth replied.

The sun's rays hit Luna's face, and Seth couldn't help but admire how beautiful she looked. Her complexion glowed against the orange and pink sky, and her black dress seemed to shimmer in the light. Seth took a deep breath, feeling a sense of peace wash over him as he took in the sight of Luna. "You look absolutely gorgeus, Luna." He said, his voice filled with admiration.

Luna blushed, a small smile spreading across her lips. "Thank you, Seth. You look very handsome yourself."

They spent the next hour talking, laughing, and enjoying each other's company. But the highlight of the evening came when Seth surprised Luna with the telescope. "Seth you didn't need to buy this for me. You know, Carlisle already had one and we could've just borrowed it instead." Luna explained.

"I didn't buy it. I found it in the attic, it belonged to my grandpa."

Luna, being the astronomy enthusiast that she was, couldn't help but get excited when Seth presented the telescope. She eagerly took one of the eyepieces and started showing Seth different celestial objects, pointing out constellations, planets, and even space stations in the distance. Seth listened in awe. He was amazed at how much he had been missing out on, and Luna's enthusiasm made him want to learn even more. She explained the movement of the planets, and even the different types of stars, and the night sky felt even more magical and surreal now that Seth was with the love of his life.

After some time, Seth turned to Luna and said, "Luna, there's something I've been wanting to ask you for a while now." He took a deep breath, feeling his heart pounding in his chest. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

Luna's eyes widened with surprise and joy. She looked at Seth, a huge smile on her face, and replied, "Ofcourse, Seth. I'd love to be your girlfriend."

Seth was overjoyed, feeling as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. He smiled back at Luna and leaned in to give her a kiss. As their lips met, the world around them seemed to melt away, and it felt like nothing else mattered but the two of them in that moment. It was a night that the pair would never forget, a night that was filled with laughter, love, and happiness.


Seth and Luna finally arrived at Emily's house after a few hours, where Emily and the boys were waiting for them. The pack had been eagerly eavesdropping the whole time. As they walked inside, the pack greeted them with congratulations and teases.

"Finally, Seth!" Jared said, throwing his arm around the younger boy's shoulder. "We were beginning to think you'd never ask Luna out!"

"Yeah, it took him long enough," Embry said, nudging Seth with his elbow.

The pack erupted into laughter and cheers. Seth felt a warm glow spread through his body. He had never been the recipient of so much affection and support before. The happiness continued throughout the night, as the group hung out, watched movies, and generally had a good time. Emily had made snacks and drinks, and the group passed them around, laughing and talking. By the end of the night, everyone was relaxed and happy, and Seth was thankful for the support of his friends. As he drove Luna back to her place, he smiled to himself, knowing that he had finally taken a step forward in his relationship with Luna.


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