6: tears

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Leah's perspective (OMG LEAH'S POV 😱😱)
note: Leah still doesn't know Luna's a Cullen, and yk how the ppl told stories about the Cullens being bad and stuff

I sigh as I sat on the dock, looking out towards the water. I was supposed to pay Luna a visit earlier until I heard that she and her family had left Forks, and despite feeling a bit sad about it, I decided it was best not to get attached.


Luna's perspective

We decided to stay in a hotel in Phoenix for a while, just to be safe. I turn on my blackberry to see a message that Leah had sent earlier morning.

'It's Leah. I was about to visit you earlier till I heard that you weren't in Forks. Not that I'm mad or anything, just checking in to see how you're doing.'

I was about to type in a reply 'till I hear Jasper say something to Alice, making me turn around.
"What is it? What did you see?" Alice must've saw a vision. Her eyes widens.

"The tracker, he just changed course."

Bella rises from her seat and stands beside me, curious of what was happening.

"Where will it take him, Alice?" I ask while Jasper quickly grabs a piece of paper and a pencil, then places it on the table for Alice.

"Mirrors. A room full of mirrors." Alice takes the pencil then starts drawing something that looked like a dark room.

"Edward said that the visions weren't always certain." Bella says then Jasper replies, "Alice sees the course people are on while they're on it. If they change their minds, the vision changes."

"Okay, so the course that the tracker's on now is gonna lead him to a ballet studio?"

The three of us looks at Bella, surprised. "You've been here?" I ask.

"I took lessons as a kid. The school I went to had an arch just like that."

"Was your school here in Pheonix?"

"Yeah." Bella nods. Suddenly, her phone started ringing, she took a few steps away to answer it. It must have been Edward since Jasper and Alice were looking at her, listening closely to what the person was saying.


It is six-thirty, we're walking back to the hotel room and I'm walking in front of Alice and Jasper. We've just gone back from the receptionist to take something. I unlock the door with my key. Once I enter the room I suddenly get a strange feeling, that something wasn't right. I start walking briskly, checking all the bedrooms, to find Bella gone.

"What the hell?" I mutter under my breath while walking out the last room.

"Luna, is everything all right?" Alice asks.

"Bella's gone."


Alice had a vision of Bella getting bit by James in the ballet room, so she called everyone in the family to immediantly go there as fast as they could, I can hear the panicked tone in her voice. Ofcourse, me being human, they told me to stay in the hotel room. I really didn't wanna argue anymore, especially that my adoptive-brother's girlfriend was literally about to die, so I listened and stayed.

I couldn't help but worry. Were they going to make it? Ofcourse, they have to! Seven against one. They have to...

My hands start to tremble. I was sitting on the couch, near a window. The sounds of cars and people are like chainsaws in my ears.

What if Victoria's here? She's gonna kill me.

I stand up and quickly walk into one of the bedrooms and sit on the floor, leaning onto the side of the bed. I can feel a panic attack coming on and I don't know what to do.

I suddenly flinch, feeling my phone vibrate in my back pocket. I grab the phone and answer it, my hand still trembling a bit as I hold it up to my ear. "Luna, It's Rose. James is dead, and Bella got bit but Edward managed to suck the venom out, so she's fine. Emmett and I are on our way there. You doing okay?"

I breathe in deeply and pause for a moment before answering. "I don't feel so good." My voice shaking is shaking.

"Luna, just sit tight. We're almost there." After a few seconds I can hear Rosalie get out of the car. I can tell she's running because of how fast her footsteps are. "Are you still there?" I mutter a yes. "That's great. Can you open the front door for me? I'm already walking up the last set of stairs."

I quickly get out of the room and rush to unlock the front door, my hands still trembling from the thought of Victoria going after me next. I see Rosalie turn a corner and run up to me.

no one's perspective

As Rosalie pulls her into a hug, Luna was still trembling. Her heart was racing, and her breathing was quick and shallow. As she buries her face into Rosalie's shoulder, she could feel tears starting to form in her eyes.

Rosalie could feel the tension in Luna's body, and she knew she needed to act fast to calm her down. She spoke softly to Luna, trying to remind her to focus on her breathing and to take deep, even breaths.

"Luna, It's okay. You're safe here with me." She kept holding Luna close, stroking her hair and talking in a soothing voice, trying to calm her down. Despite Rosalie's efforts, Luna's panic attack seems to escalate. She was hyperventilating, and her heart was pounding out of her chest. Rosalie knew she had to do something to help her, and she didn't know what else to do.

a/n: Rosalie managed to calm Luna down but i didnt know how to write it. This Chapter's a bit short but a ton happened fs

↑ omg i managed to write three chapters in one day

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