2.2: Seth's friends

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Seth's perspective

I've always had a crush on Luna ever since I met her. I could never forget the look on her face when she first saw me. It was pretty obvious she liked me, I did too but I just never showed it.

I'm actually glad that Leah had to stay home for her school requirements, because that means that I get to spend time with Luna alone.

I settle at the sidewalk in front of my house, ready to call a cab, but I see Luna walk up to a black car that was parked at the side of the road.

"You have a car?" I say, almost shocked. It does look expensive.

"Yeah. My parents gave it to me this morning." Luna grins excitedly and opens door. "Come on, get in! I gotta be home by seven."


"This is the place?" Luna pulls up at the side of the road.

"Yeah." I open the door and we get out of the car. "They're excited to meet you. Come on!"

We start walking toward the front porch. I sort-of told Sam that I had a crush and the others wanted to meet her. It wouldn't hurt to introduce Luna to my other friends so I agreed.

Luna's perspective

It was a small house, but it does look cozy. Seth wanted me to meet he and Leah's childhood friends. He mentioned them a few times but this was the first time I was actually going to see them in person.

I follow Seth and walk into the house. I was immediately welcomed by the smell of delicious meals and the sound of laughter coming from the table. The interior is decorated with neutral colors and natural wood tones. There was a round, wooden dining-table and several shirtless-men were sitting on the chairs around it.

A lady that looked only a few years older than me emerged from the kitchen with a pot of what looked like Chicken Alfredo. Her eyes widen and she smiles once she sees Seth. "Seth. It's great to see you again!" she greeted and places the pot down on the table.

"Hey look, Seth brought a girl." one of the guys say and the others turn their heads to look at me. They look unsure and started looking at eachother, making me very uncomfortable.

The lady wipes her hands on her jeans before walking towards me. "I'm Emily. You must be Luna." she smiles warmly. "We've heard a lot about you." she adds.

"A lot." one of guys say and they laugh while I see Seth angrily glance at them.
"Shut up, you moron!" Seth scowled.

I look back at Emily and reply, "It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Emily. I've heard a lot about you guys too."

Emily turns her head towards the boys at the table. "You guys gonna introduce yourselves or will I do it myself?" she crosses her arms. They look at her for a moment before finally realizing what she meant.

One-by-one, they all say their names. There was Embry, Quil, Paul, and lastly, Jared.

Emily nods to the table. "You staying for dinner?"

I nod, "Yeah, definitely!" I really needed to eat something good after eating that disgusting food at school. Like, how was that even legal?

We start eating the delicious meal Emily has prepared as I sit in-between Seth and Embry, and they were all -excluding Seth- abnormally hot. Not that I'm complaining though, it can be cold in Washington.

a/n: I was talking about the temperature btw

I glance at the door when I hear someone enter. It was another shirtless man. Gosh, do they even own shirts?

The man walks up behind Emily and kisses her. "Sorry I'm a bit late. I had some stuff to deal with." he says before sitting down on the empty seat beside her. The man's eyes finally meets mine and he furrows his eyebrows and pauses for a moment. "You must be Luna. The name's Sam." he greets.

"It's a pleasure." I smile then continue to eat my meal. After a while, everyone was having separate conversations with eachother. I look up from my plate when I hear my name being called.

"So, Luna. Who are your parents?" Sam asks.

"Carlisle and Esme Cullen. I was adopted." I reply then take another bite of what was on my plate.

Everyone except Seth, suddenly became quiet and glanced at me. "Y-You're a Cullen?"

"Yes. Is there a problem?" I raise an eyebrow. Okay, this is getting really weird.

Emily peered out the window then looked back at me. "Luna, it's getting dark. I'm sure your parents want you home by now." she forces a smile and Sam nods, agreeing.

I look down at my watch to read the time.

Six thirty-eight

I sigh and look back at them. "You know what, you guys are right." I say before turning to Seth. "I'll be going now, Seth. You guys have fun." I smile as I get up and start walking to the door.
Before I could reach my car, I feel a hand wrap around my arm, making me turn to face the person.

"Are you sure you can't stay any longer? Look, I'm sorry if they made you uncomfortable or anything." Seth looks at me with pleading eyes.

I force a smile. "Seth, it's fine. I can come back another time, and I can't miss my brother's girlfriend's birthday party." I say.

Seth nods and mumbles a small bye before turning around to walk back in the house.

Seth's perspective

"What was that?" I scoff as I reach the table.

"Seth, what're you talking about?" Sam asks, pretending to be oblivious.

"You guys obviously wanted her out of the house! I thought you guys wanted to meet her so bad!" I shout before storming out of the house in anger, not even wanting to hear Sam's stupid response.

a/n: I rushed this so please lmk if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes<33

Writer's block is real.

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