2.16: secrets revealed

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no one's perspective

Seth could feel his anxiety rise within him as he waited patiently. He was about to tell Luna that he was a shifter and all the legends that Billy had told them earlier was true. He suddenly hears faint footsteps walking towards him, making him turn around and fix his posture.

Luna emerged from the trees, slightly smiling before walking up to him. "Seth? You wanted me here?" her voice was filled with curiosity and confusion.

Seth nods, taking Luna's hands in his. "I'm happy you actually came."

Luna laughs, it was like music to his ears. "Well, it's not like I have a choice not to."

Seth pauses and takes a deep breath, hestitating. "Luna, you know the legends that Billy talked about earlier?" she nods in response."They were all true. The shifters exist, and so does the cold-ones."

Luna wore a shocked expression, still unsure. She knew that the vampires they called the 'cold-ones' were true, but she didn't think that shifters actually existed. "What, now, you're going to tell me that you can turn into a giant wolf?" she forced out a laugh.

Seth sucks in a breath. He wasn't exactly sure how he was going to tell her that he is one. He didn't want to scare her away. He nods and Luna shakes her head. "You're joking, right? Come on, you know, that was all just fantasy stories." she says. She didn't want to believe him. She remembered Carlisle telling her a story about shifters and wolves, and told her to avoid them as much as possible. Luna thought that Carlisle was just trying to scare her and decided to laugh it off.

"When I show you. I am begging you, please don't run away. I promise I won't hurt you." Seth looks at her with pleading eyes before letting go of her hands and walking away into the dark forest, leaving Luna still confused.

Luna didn't know what to do and she remembered what Carlisle said. Would she have to just stay away from Seth and the pack?

Not long after, she hears leaves rustling, making her look up, startled as she finds another pair of wolf eyes staring back at her. The wolf was taller than her and had sandy-brown fur. The wolf hears her heart pounding fast to the point that it could probably rip through her chest. The wolf whines.

"Seth?" Luna managed to mutter out, still frozen.

The wolf nods its head and walks closer to Luna, making her step back in fear. Seth immediately stops, not wanting her to run away. Instead, he just sits down. It took a while for Luna to process it all. She walked up to him slowly, her heartbeat starting to slow down. She stood before him and held up her hand. Seth tilts his head forward so that his forehead could touch Luna's palm.

Luna's face slowly breaks into a grin. "Seth, I can't believe it, that's actually you!" she exclaims as she ran her fingers through Seth's soft fur. "Shit, this is so awesome."

Seth stands up before walking back into the trees and phases back into his human form. He slips on his shirt and his pants then runs back to where Luna was. She stood there with an amazed expression, making Seth laugh. "That was you!" she says, excitedly, and Seth nods and grins.

They felt warmth in their hearts as they gaze into eachother's eyes. Seth smiles, and a flare inside Luna, a tiny whoosh, like the flick of a pilot light, heats her face. They move closer, so close they could feel eachother's breath on their lips. Seth glances between her eyes and her lips before closing the space between them.

"That's disgusting."

The two's lips separate before looking at where they had heard the voice. There stood the entire pack, grinning and smirking at them. "Dude, why did you have to interrupt them?" Paul scowls at Embry.

Sam shakes his head, wondering what he did to deserve these stupid idiots. "Now, you know, Luna." he spoke. 

"Wait, you guys can turn into gigantic wolves too?" Luna's mouth hung open as they all nod and stiffle a laugh.

Luna felt guilty that she had to hide her family's secret from her friends. She felt awful, now knowing that the pack and her family literally turned out to be enemies. Seth sensed this, he places his hand on her lower back and asked her if she was all right. Luna nods, muttering a small 'yeah'. She can still feel the press of his mouth on hers, the warmth it gave her. But it doesn't stop the flood of guilt that she felt.


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