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no one's perspective

Five days had passed since the fateful day when Luna, Alice, and Bella saved Edward from ending his own life, and the Cullens were now back home in Forks, trying to put the past behind them.

It was around nine o'clock, Bella gathered her courage and asked each family member to vote for their thoughts on her becoming a vampire. The majority of the family voted yes, with only Rosalie and Luna voting against it. The two foster-siblings thought that becoming a vampire would be too much for Bella to handle, knowing that the vampire-life isn't as glamorous as it seems.

After Bella had left, there was one elephant in the room that needed to be addressed; Luna and Seth. Rosalie and Edward were still struggling to accept the fact that Seth had imprinted on Luna, and their anger and frustration was palpable. Rosalie even went far as to threaten Seth's life, causing Luna to almost erupt in anger.

"Rosalie, stop! You know that's not the answer!" Carlisle said firmly from his seat at the couch. He had a look of sternness on his face that had become all too familiar over the years. "We all need to accept that Luna is Seth's imprint. Whether we like it or not. It's not something that can be changed."

Alice, who was sitting next to Luna, spoke up. "Carlisle's right, Rosalie. We can't afford to let our emotions get the best of us, especially when it comes to Luna. We have to be supportive of her, and that means accepting Seth as part of our family."

Edward, who hadn't said a word throughout the entire exchange, finally spoke up. "Fine. We'll accept it. But that doesn't mean we have to like it. And if any harm comes to my sister, I won't hesitate to end Seth's life."

As the night went on, the tension in the air remained thick. Everyone seemed to come to the realization that they needed to at least try to make it work. Even though Seth's imprint on Luna made everyone uncomfortable, they knew that they had to accept it.

Luna walked down the stairs, still feeling uneasy after the argument she had with Rosalie and Edward. She was about to walk into the kitchen before she heard three knocks from the front door. She went to open it to find no one there. "The hell?" Luna whispered to herself. She decided to just brush it off, thinking it was just her mind playing tricks on her. As she turned to go back inside, she heard a rustling in the trees across the road.

Curiosity getting the better of her, Luna made her way down the road towards the forest, keeping a safe distance from the forest line. As she approached the edge of the road, she spotted a feminine figure standing amidst the trees.

"Hey, are you okay?" Luna yelled, hoping the person would hear her. "Ma'am?" She yelled again. Before she could take another step, she heard a loud beep and felt a sudden impact as she was struck by a car. As the lights faded from her eyes, Luna briefly saw the person in the forest turn around and grin at her.


Victoria smiled when she saw the panicked driver grab his phone. But before the driver could dial the number 911, Victoria rushed towards him and flung him to the curb, striking his head and knocking him unconscious. She stood above Luna, licking her lips in anticipation. "I'm basically saving your life." Victoria laughed before leaning down and sinking her teeth into Luna's neck.


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