2:19: Vampire's first light

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Luna's perspective

I blink slowly, my eyes adjusting to the light flooding the room. I sit up slowly and look around. I could see every detail of everything, with unprecedented clarity, and I could smell every aroma of various herbs and plants. My hearing also seemed heightened, I could hear the creak of the floorboard or the faint voices of Rosalie and Edward speaking from another room.

"Luna?" I hear a familiar voice say, making me snap my head towards the person across the room. "You're awake." Carlisle softly smiled.

I move my limbs, sitting up straight. "Carlisle, what happened?" I whisper. I turn to face the small mirror and notice a bite on my neck. Panic starts to set in as I remember what had just happened.

Victoria... the car..

My eyes widen as I continue to stare at my reflection; My skin looks noticeably paler, almost milky-white, and my hair looks healthier. But my mouth hung low once I noticed my eyes. They are deep, blood-red, almost glowing. I feel chills run down my spine as I realize what I am, now. I never thought this would happen to me.

"Carlisle.." My voice is shaky and low. I turn around to see the entire family standing there, staring at me with pityful looks.

"Luna, you're a vampire." Esme says, she looks surprised.

I nod, "I can see that."

"And that means that your senses are enhanced beyond what you're used to." Carlisle states.

"I know this is a lot to take in," Rosalie said. "But we'll take care of you. You're part of our family and we'll help you through this transition."

I don't say anything and just nod. Suddenly, I feel my throat start to burn. I realize the first thing I'd have to do as a vampire was to hunt. Edward must have read my mind, because he immediately suggested that Rosalie could guide me on my first hunt. "Rosalie can go hunting with you."

But before Rosalie could even approach, I felt a sudden rush of energy that I had never experienced before. I dashed out of the room and raced to the balcony and jumped off, my body flying through the air before I landed on the soft ground below.

I sprinted through the forest, feeling amazed and almost excited. I could hear almost every animal in this forest, and I felt more alive than ever before. I saw a deer in the distance and started to approach it. I lung at the deer and pin it down. But just as I was about to lean into it's neck, I suddenly feel hestitant, until I heard a voice behind me. "Go on." Rosalie spoke in a soft tone.

I take a deep breath before leaning down to feed off the deer's blood. I felt a mix of emotion; Confusion, fear, and hestitation. But I knew this was my new reality. As I continue to drink the deer's blood, I felt a strange sense of warmth.

I guess, this is my life now.


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