2.3: Birthdays and the Cullen Crest

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Luna's perspective

"That's a lot of candles." I mutter as I look around the room that Alice and Esme had prepared. I'm wearing a long, dark-red dress that Esme had given me a few months ago for occassions like this. Rosalie styled my hair in a way that enhanced my natural curls, making them appear more vibrant and lively, and Alice let me borrow a pair of dark-red heels to match with my dress.

"Alice and Esme really went for it." Emmett said beside me.

I suddenly hear footsteps, making me turn around. Bella, Edward and Alice walked down the stairs. Carlisle and Esme were the first to approach the birthday girl.

"Sorry about all this. We tried to rein Alice in." Carlisle says before Esme went to embrace Bella. "As if that were even possible." she laughed.

"Happy birthday, Bella!" I greet with a smile and hug her next.

"Thanks." she says and I step back, walking to stand beside Rosalie.

I suddenly see a flash and I look to see Alice holding up a camera.
"I found it in your bag. You mind?" Bella shakes her head in response.

"Dating an older woman. Hot." Emmett says while smirking. Edward glares at him and shakes his head. "What?"

Alice walks toward Rosalie and hands her a small gift-box. "You first, Rosalie."

Rosalie awkwardly extends her hand to Bella to give her the box. "It's a necklace. Alice picked it out." Bella smiles warmly and mutters a quick thanks before Alice dragged her and Edward to take a photo of them. "Show me the love!" Alice grins and snaps a quick photo. She then proceeds to grab another box from the table to give it to Bella. "This one's from Emmett!"

Bella shakes the box but there's no sound. Emmett grins, "Already installed it in your truck. Finally a decent sound system for that piece of-"

"Hey! Don't hate on the truck." Bella shakes her head and I stiffle a laugh.

"Open Luna's gift." Alice hands her another box to open. I was excited to see Bella's reaction to my gift. I spent a good twenty dollars on that bracelet.

She was opening the box until I hear her grunt. That's when I notice the blood dripping from her finger. "Paper cut." she mutters. Now, that is one hell of a paper cut.

I notice Jasper slightly shaking. I was about to ask if he was all right, that until he suddenly ran towards Bella. Everything was like a blur. I look to see Edward pushing Bella to the wall, making her crash onto the vases and land on the floor with a thump, glass shards falling off the table and hitting her skin.

Edward launches Jasper across the room, making him crash into the piano. He quickly recovers and tries to run at Bella again but luckily, Carlisle and Emmett catches him just in time. Alice rushes to help Jasper calm down, "Jaz, Jaz. It's okay, it's just a little.." Alice pauses, "..blood."

I wasn't just going to stand there and look stupid, so I quickly came to Bella's side and help her get up. "Are you okay?" I ask her, worried. She just nods and whispers a quick 'yeah'.
I hear Carlisle mutter something and they start to leave through the back-door, well, except for Edward and Carlisle.

Carlisle dashes to get ahold of Bella's arm and quickly examines it. "I'll have to stitch this up in my office." he states before glancing back at Edward. "Check on Jasper. I'm sure he's very upset with himself and I doubt he'll listen to anyone but you right now."
Edward sadly looks at Bella before turning to leave without saying another word.


It was the next day and we were sitting at our usual table in the cafeteria. Rosalie's been trying to find something in her bag, well, it's been a few minutes.

"What're you even trying to find in there?" I chuckle.
Rosalie smiles when she felt her hand touch something.

She looks at me before sliding me a small black box. "This."

I grab it and open the lid. There was a ring that had the same design Rosalie and the others had in their jewelry. I think it was called the Cullen Crest..?

"Is this for me?" I ask and they all nod in response.

"We figured it was time to give you your own." Alice said.

"It's beautiful. Thanks guys." I say and slip the ring onto my middle finger.

a/n: I completely forgot abt the Cullen crest jewelry thing so I had to put it in this chapter lol


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