2.13: je suis amoureuse

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It has been five weeks, and Alice, Rosalie and the rest of the family had been keeping me company through texts and calls. But still no response from Seth and Leah. It was a bit weird since I expected them to be talking to me by now. It made me worry even more, so I decided to see them in person.


As I arrived at the Clearwater's home, I could see Sue standing at the front porch with the door wide-open. I quickly parked my car and made my way towards her. "Sue, is Seth or Leah home?" I asked.

"I'm sorry, Luna. They're not here." Sue replied.

I really had been hoping to see the two siblings to offer them some comfort and support. As I turned to leave, I noticed a figure walk down the stairs. It was Seth. Without thinking, I rushed towards him, my heart soaring in relief.

Before I could pull him into a hug, I felt a strong hand grab me by the arm and start dragging me. I turn my head to see who it was, Sam.

"Sam, what're you doing!" I yell as he shoves me out of the door. "What the fuck, man. I just wanted to see them!"

"Luna. Seth and Leah doesn't wanna see you. It would be better if you just leave." Sam's voice was low and menacing.

My heart sank at his words and my eyes start to water. The rejection hurt, and I felt a surge of sadness and frustration wash over me. How could they not want to see me? especially since Seth's my literal boyfriend, and I had been there for them through all of their ups and downs. I wanted to yell at Sam and tell him that he had no right to keep me from seeing Seth and Leah. But I held my tongue, knowing that it wouldn't do any good.

no one's perspective

Just as Luna was about to turn to leave, she wanted to look at Seth one last time. As she looked at Seth with her eyes filled with tears, she couldn't help but feel a deep connection to him. She could feel a warm sensation in her chest, as if her heart was expanding to make room for him in her life. She could sense his thoughts and feelings, as if they were her own, and she knew in her heart that this was something special, something that could never be replicated.

As for Seth, he felt the same deep connection, the same sense of belonging. He had never felt this way about anyone before, but he knew that this was something real, something that was worth fighting for. He could sense Luna's pain, and he knew that he wanted to be there for her, to help her heal and to be his protector. He felt a sense of responsibility and purpose, knowing that he had a role to play in her life.

Sam watched as Luna and Seth shared a deep connection, a connection that he could feel as well. After a moment, Sam looked at Luna and told her to go. Luna sighed before turning and walking to her car.


Sam sat Seth down on the couch and took a deep breath. "Listen, Seth," he said. "I need to teach you something important. Do you remember that story I told you about the imprint thing?"

Seth nodded. "Yeah, like the soulmate thing, right?" he asked.

"An imprint is a strong connection between two people that can't be broken. It's not a choice, Seth. It's something that just happens. Like how I imprinted on Emily, and Jared imprinting on Kim, Paul on Rachel and Quil on Claire... Just- You get my point." Sam explained.

Seth looked up at his pack leader, confusion written all over his face. "But what does this have to do with me?"

"You see, Seth, you imprinted on Luna."

Seth's eyes widened in shock. "Me? I imprinted on Luna? But how?"

"When you looked into each other's eyes earlier, you felt something, didn't you? That's when you imprinted on her, Seth. It's a connection that you can't explain, but you know it's there." Sam states.

Seth felt a mix of emotions; He felt excited, nervous, scared, and even confused. On one hand, he felt thrilled at the idea of having such a strong bond with someone he cared deeply for, but on the other hand, he felt overwhelmed and worried about the implications of the imprint.

"It means that you have to be careful with your feelings, Seth. You have to be careful with how you interact with Luna. You can't be reckless. You're a wolf, Seth, and that means you have a responsibility to both the pack and the humans. You have to control your emotions, no matter how difficult it can be."


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