2.15: sorrys and bonfires

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no one's perspective

As Seth and Luna got out of the car, Seth could feel his veins racing with excitement. He had always heard about the Quileute legends and stories, but he never had the opportunity to attend one of their bonfires until he actually phased.

Seth turns to look at Luna, "You know, this is actually my first time attending one of their bonfires. I've always wanted to come, but I never had the chance."

Luna forces a smile and nods while quickly glancing at him. She was still slightly mad at him, but she was giving him a chance to make up for what he'd done. Seth asked her to go with him to the pack's bonfire-night this weekend at Jacob Black's house, she agreed, she thought it might be the perfect opportunity for him to show her that he truly cared and loved her.

As the pair approached the bonfire, Luna immediately noticed Leah standing next to the table full of food, staring back at her. Leah felt a pang of guilt before making her way toward the younger girl. Despite their recent rough patch, Luna couldn't help but feel a twinge of happiness at seeing Leah again.

As the two girls stood before eachother, Leah steps forward to hug her. Luna was taken aback by Leah's sudden embrace, and she felt her strong arms wrap around her tightly.

After they pulled back, Leah apologized for ignoring Luna for so long. "I'm sorry, Luna. I know I've been ignoring you for weeks. I'm sorry." Leah said, her voice sincere and heartfelt.

Luna glances at Seth before looking back at Leah. "It's okay. We all go through rough patches." she smiles softly.

Leah smiles and then takes Luna's hand, guiding her towards where the others were gathered. Seth follows close behind, feeling a surge of pride and happiness at the fact that the girls had made up.

The entire pack -including Billy Black and Sue Clearwater- was there, everyone was sitting on the logs that surrounded the bonfire. Seth and Luna were the last to arrive. As the three sits down, the rest of the pack's heads turned to look at the two young teens. They all heard about how Seth had imprinted on Luna, and they were all very supportive and happy, Leah being the happiest one.

"Well, look who's here!" Embry grins and Quil chuckles beside him, saying, "Looks like the lovebirds are back."

Another guy that Luna wasn't familiar with, looks up and awkwardly smiles at her, she does the same. "I'm Jacob." he greeted. "You must be Luna?"

She nods in response. "That's right."

Not long after, Sam looks at Luna, his expression was sorrowful. "Luna, I'm sorry for being rude to you last week. I really didn't mean it. Will you forgive me?"

Luna looked at him, unsure of what to say. She wanted to forgive him but his words really hurt her. "It's all right. But it's gonna take me a while to forgive you." Sam nodded understandingly before looking back at Emily, who was leaning on his shoulder while having a conversation with Sue.

After Billy Black told everyone to quiet down, he began to speak about the legends of their tribe. "The Quileutes have been a small tribe from the beginning. But we've always had magic in our blood. We were great spirit warriors, shape shifters, that transforms into powerful wolves. This enabled us to scare off our enemies, and protect our tribe."

Luna listens intently while Seth gazed at her. He couldn't help but feel a surge of deep love and admiration for the girl. He couldn't tear his eyes away from her. Luna's features looked delicate, and her grey eyes were soulful.

As Billy's stories drew to a close, Seth leaned closer to Luna and whispered quietly in her ear. "I need to tell you something later." he stated, his voice low and serious.

Luna felt shivers run down her spine as his hot breath made contact with her ear and neck. Seth sensed this, making him let out a chuckle. Luna glances at him and nods.


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