3: a boy.

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Luna's perspective

It's ten in the morning and I'm on my way to go to Leah's house. The road glistens under the morning sun, washed clean by a thousand raindrops from the previous day. Leah lives in La push so I had to go in a cab.

"Thanks." I say as I hand my money to the cab driver. I step out of the car and shut the door behind me.

Leah's house is a stately and cozy two-story home. It shows a charming exterior of white wood siding with green shutters, surrounded by vibrant landscaping that makes the house feel like it's a part of the surrounding forest. The front door is a welcoming shade of creamy beige, with a brass knocker, which adds a touch of elegance to the home's exterior. As I approach Leah's house, I can't help but feel a sense of invitation and comfort that it gives off.

I knock on the door. It doesn't take long for Leah to open it. Her eyes widen once she sees me, "Shit, Luna! I'm sorry, I forgot we were supposed to go out today!"

"Oh." I pause for a moment to think of what to say. "Are we still gonna go, or?"

"Yeah, ofcourse. come in!" Leah steps aside for me to enter.
The walls were painted a warm and inviting green, and white baseboards gleamed in the soft, golden sunlight that poured in through the open door. Framed photographs of two children hung on the walls; A young girl smiling widely, who I'm assuming was Leah, she stood beside a younger boy, probably her brother.

"You can wait for me in the living room." Leah says while guiding me into the room.
The first thing that catches my attention was the tribal paintings and photos that hung on the wall, then the large leather sofa, with a wooden coffee-table, and an oval-shaped dining table behind the couch, and an older lady sitting in one of the chairs.

The lady looks up from her book in surprise. "Leah, who's this beautiful lady?"

"Mom, this is Luna, a friend of mine. Luna, that's my mom."

"Good morning, Mrs. Clearwater. I hope you don't mind me staying here while waiting for Leah to get ready. We're going out."

"Don't worry, ofcourse! Sit on the couch, I'll make you a cup of tea."

"Thank you but we gotta get going after she gets ready, anyways."

"No, I insist. That girl takes ages to get ready, and call me Sue." she says before going into the kitchen.

"She's sort of right. Have fun with her." Leah smiles softly before walking into the hallway and up the stairs.

I sit down on the couch as I gaze up at the tribal paintings and old photographs. I can feel the weight of history behind each stroke of the brush. I could honestly stare at them for hours, taking in all the intricate details and stories that they tell.

Sue comes back soon after and sees me staring at the artwork in complete and utter awe. "Beautiful, aren't they?" she hands me a cup of hot, black tea.

"The fact that you have such beautiful pieces in your home is a true treasure, and I honestly feel so lucky to be able to see them." I say and take a sip of the steaming tea. I flinch a bit as I accidentally burning my tongue.

"Thank you. They're all about my husband's family history and ancestors. You could say they liked werewolves... alot." a small chuckle leaves her mouth.

One of the paintings shows a shirtless man standing next to a very large wolf. The other one shows several men standing in front of a forest, all holding wooden spears and wore cultural headresses.

I hear someone walk down the stairs and enter the room. "Leah, you ready to go?" I say before facing her direction.
Nope. Definitely not Leah.

"Not Leah. I'm Seth." It was a boy around my age, he smiles. He has a youthful face with deep-brown eyes and was probably atleast three inches taller. His skin is olive-colored just like Leah's and his hair is black, and worn short.
He's kinda cute.

His attention takes me by surprise. "Right. Seth." I pause for a moment, "Luna. Luna's my na- I'm Luna!"

"Okay then, Luna." he lets out a small laugh and mutters a small 'bye'  before walking away.

His laugh is like music to my ears. Something shifts inside me. It's electrical, and golden. Sue sees this happening and smiles widely. I feel my face heat up from embarassment. I turn to Sue, "You know what, I'll just wait outside!" I quickly say before walking briskly out of the house and shutting the door behind me.

a/n: Seth hasn't phased yet, this isn't imprinting btw, js a small crush


Hanging out with Leah was awesome. We went to Port Angeles and she brought me to Fort Worden, a historic military base that has been converted into a cultural center. There were museums and art galleries, as well as a beautiful beach and a scenic lighthouse. We stayed out and got to know eachother more. Leah and I aren't so different after all. I learned that she likes to surf, read books and that she also has an interest in cars.

Before I was about to stick the key into the keyhole, the door swings open. Rosalie stands infront of me, and she looks furious. "Luna, do you have any idea what time it is right now?" she says in an angry voice.


She takes a deep breath before speaking again, "It's fucking twelve in the morning! Everyone's worried about you and we were literally about to file a police report!"

"Rose, I'm sorry. I was just out with a friend." This is embarrassing. I just know the rest of the family's listening to this right now.

"Just- Just get inside."

"Rosalie, I didn't mean to worry y-" before I could finish, she speeds off.
I sigh and start walking up the stairs. I was about to enter my bedroom before Edward suddenly appears in front of me. "I know, I shouldn't have gone out till twelve in the morning. I'm sorry. Rosalie already lectured me, so you don't have to."

"I know, I heard." Edward crosses his arms, probably to try to look more intimidating. He rolls his eyes and speaks, "I'm not trying to intimidate you. I was just about to say that Rose didn't mean to get mad at you. She was worried you went missing or got abducted. Give her time, I'm sure she'll cool off soon."

"Thanks, i guess. Goodnight, I'll see you later when I wake up." he nods in response before leaving. I enter my room and shut the door behind me. I change into more comfortable clothes and start removing my light makeup infront of my vanity-mirror.
I suddenly remember the boy from earlier, Seth. I suddenly start smiling then stop once I realize what I was doing. I must have imagined his smile. It's impossible for a smile to be that bright. Man, his eyes... his stunning deep-brown eyes.

I slam my hands onto the vanity-desk to stop and think.
Come on, I just met the boy this morning. For all I know, he probably has a girlfriend, or worse... a serial killer.
"Stop."  I whisper to my reflection.


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