2.17: admit

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Luna's perspective

I walked into the house with grocery bags in my hands, and placed it onto the kitchen island. As I was putting them away, I hear a faint noise coming from the living room, making me stop in my tracks. "The hell?"

I quickly make my way to the kitchen counter to grab a knife. Just as I was about to walk into the hallway, a familiar someone suddenly appeared in front of me. I gasp loudly and drop the knife. The knife fell to the ground, almost hitting my foot.


"Alice!" I hug her tightly. "Luna, I missed you a lot." I hear her say.

We pull away and I smile. "What're you doing here? I thought you were visiting in March?"

Alice suddenly looks worried and she sighs. "Luna, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you like that. But, Edward." she pauses, "He's in danger."

"What?" my face twists in confusion. "What happened to him?"

Alice gasps and freezes. I see her pupils dilate and she sucks in a breath harshly. "I don't have time to explain! We need to go to Bella."


"So, you and that Clearwater boy?" I hear Alice say as I sit next to her on the couch. Her tone sounded... angry.

"Yeah, and?" I say, avoiding her eyes. I'm just glad I wasn't talking to Edward, or he would've read my mind and known I was in a relationship with a wolf.

"Luna, you can't date him. He's bad!" Alice exclaims.

"No. He's not, Alice."

"That guy's only going to hurt you-"

"Alice, why do you not want me to date him!?"

"You don't know, he's dangerous. You don't know what he might do to you!" she says, her voice rising.

"Enough, Alice! Seth has done nothing wrong, and I trust him with my life. And besides.." I pause, hestitating. "..Seth imprinted on me, Alice."

I don't hear her say anything. I turn my head to see her staring at me in shock. "Your imprint?" her voice was quiet. "You know about the wolves?"

I don't even know what to say anymore. "I know about the Uley pack." I admitted, "And how they despise vampires."

I hear a car. I stand up and peer out the window to see a familiar red truck pulling up in the driveway. "She's here."


I stand beside Alice as I watch Bella stare at us, shocked. She suddenly wraps her arms around Alice and I, pulling us into a warm embrace. "Alice, Luna?" Bella pulls away.

"Oh my God! What're you-?" Bella turns to Alice. "I'm sorry, I just can't believe you're here. Is?.."

"Would you like to explain to me how you're alive?" from the tone of Alice's voice, I knew she was mad and worried.

"What?" Bella and I say in unison. I didn't know shit about what was happening.

"I saw a vision of you. You jumped off a cliff!" Alice yells and my mouth hung open in shock. "Why in the hell would you try and kill yourself? What about Charlie? What about-"

"I didn't try to kill myself!" Bella shakes her head. "I was cliff jumping. Recreationally. It was fun."
I don't buy it.


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