2.7: feelings

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"You sure they really want me here?" I ask, turning off the engine of the car.

"Definitely! And Sam said he wanted to apologize for last time." Seth explained, getting out of the car.

As Seth, Leah and I walked up to the front porch, Emily rushed out to greet us, "I'm so glad you guys are here! I was starting to think you guys weren't coming." she says excitedly. "Come on in!"

We followed her inside, where the smell of freshly-baked cookies filled the air. The boys were sitting in the living room, they all look up as we walk in. "Luna." Sam rose from the couch to stand in front of me, while Seth, Leah and Emily went to go in the living room.

"I wanted to apologize for how I treated you last time you were here. I didn't mean to make you feel unwelcome." Sam says.

"That means a lot, Sam. Thank you." I smile.

no one's perspective (Yeah, I'm trying this)

The pack began to notice Seth's behavior around Luna, and how often he found ways to be near her. It was cute to see, and they couldn't help but tease him about it a bit, it was funny to see him get flustered around her. At first, Seth tried to brush the comments off, pretending like he didn't care and it was all a big joke to him. But as the teasing continued, he started to get annoyed.

"Aw, come on guys. We're just friends, right?" Seth muttered under his breath.

"Friends, sure," said Emily with a sly smile. "But I think there might be something more there."

The pack snickered, and Seth rolled his eyes. "Can we please just drop it?"

"Why? Do you have something to hide?" teased Quil, a cheeky grin on his face.

"No, I don't have anything to hide," replied Seth, frustration clear in his voice.

"Relax, Seth," said Leah, placing a hand on his shoulder. "We're just joking around. No need to get all worked up."

"Yeah, take it easy," added Embry.

Luna couldn't help but feel a bit shy and flustered as the pack continued to tease. She tried to play it cool and just chuckle along. As the night went on, the tension between her and Seth grew. Luna started to think that Seth possibly liked her too, and she also knew that there was a possibility of something more between them. Despite her uncertainty, she couldn't help but feel drawn to Seth. He was kind, compassionate, and always made her laugh. She couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to explore a romantic relationship with him.

Leah walked into the kitchen and leaned against the counter, her eyes fixed on Seth as he was filling his cup with water. "Seth, you need to make a move on Luna before any other boy gets a chance to take her away from you," she said firmly.

Seth looked up at her, surprised by her directness. "I-I don't know how to do that."

"Then you need to figure it out," Leah said. "She's not going to be single forever. If you don't make a move, you'll regret it."

Seth felt the pressure building. He knew that Leah was right, but he didn't know how to approach Luna. And the thought of rejection terrified him. Even if he knew that Luna liked her back, he was stuck, unsure of what to do next.

a/n: idk if the 3rd person perspective suits me


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