7: Twilight.

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Luna's perspective

I take a deep breath and knock on the door. It's been a week since the James and Victoria incident, now it's three in the afternoon and I'm here standing infront of Leah's door. Ofcourse, I couldn't let her know what was really going on. I had to keep my family's secret safe, at all costs.

I hear footsteps approaching the door. To my surprise, it's not Leah who opens the door, but it was Seth. "Luna, it's great to see you again." he says with a warm smile.

"Hey Seth." I reply, also smiling. Gosh, when did this boy get even more cuter? I realize I've been staring. Seth sees this and his face breaks into a wide, shit-eating grin. My cheeks flood with red as I roll my eyes and look away, just anything but him.

"Like what you see?"

"Cat's got her tongue, Seth." Seth turns around to see Leah standing behind him with a smirk on her face. "Come on, let Luna in."

He steps aside and I enter, but I leave my wet Chuck Taylors by the door. I don't even look at Seth anymore, I just follow Leah into her bedroom upstairs.

"I'm glad you decided to stop by. I haven't seen you in a while." Leah says white shutting her door.

"Yeah. I just thought it would be nice to catch up." I watch as Leah organizes her messy desk.

"How was your trip?"

"It was okay. Sorry I didn't get the chance to tell you I was leaving." The truth is, the trip had been anything but okay. Bella had almost got killed by a vampire, I was left alone in a hotel room and I had a panic attack. But I couldn't tell Leah that so I quickly came up with a lie. "We went to visit my cousins in Seattle. I haven't seen them in ages, you know, with the mental hospital and all." I force a chuckle and she eyes me suspiciously.

note: Leah knows all about Luna's mother's death and her getting adopted

"Its all right. It's not that big of a deal, don't worry." Leah replies.

As the night stretches on, I slowly forget about my worries and just enjoy spending time with Leah, and Seth also joining in after a while.

I notice it's already dark out and I glance at the clock. Seven thirty-eight. I realized if I stay out too long again, Rosalie's gonna get mad. So, soon after, I say goodbye to Seth and Leah then finally head home.

"Eight o'clock. Right on the dot." Rosalie says and smiles before letting me in. "Good job.”

a/n: short chapter, AGAIN, so sorry abt that. But that's the last of it from Twilight! But it doesn't stop there! I'm going to be writing all the movies, maybe even after Breaking Dawn P2

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